MGS4 thread

lanion Posts: 843
edited December 2008 in Video Games
The graphics and sound effects to this game are so best I have seen/heard yet.

All the optional, 2 second flashbacks of visions to previous MGS games during cut scenes by pressing 'x' are brilliant.

Sneaking into a warzone of militia versus paramilitary troops with a tank, you can choose to start killing men from one side and the other side will start to recognize you as an ally rather than a threat. This is progressive, dynamic social infiltration. Really amazing.

Anyway, amazing amazing game so far.
My Iron Man training/charity blog.

32" Sharp LCD. H/K dpr 1001 to Outlaw Audio 7900 to Polk LSi + Paradigm Studio center. Hsu DualDrive ULS-15. PS3/Wii. Outlaw 7900.
Post edited by lanion on


  • Imperitor
    Imperitor Posts: 235
    edited June 2008
    Beautiful game. I love all the take down moves you can do and how much you can custimize the weapons. My one problem with the game is it doesn't show you all of the cool stuff you can do in a tutorial.
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    Blu-Ray Player / CD Player / DVD Player / Media Server / Game Console / Best money I've ever spent: 60GB PS3
  • avelanchefan
    avelanchefan Posts: 2,401
    edited June 2008
    Is this game out? I am serious about this, I thought it came out this Tuesday.

    Oh well I have been stuck on GRID any ways.
  • lanion
    lanion Posts: 843
    edited June 2008
    For a tutorial pres start and go to 'briefings'. It will tell you how to do every move. I spent my first hour just playing around with the move-set. The coolest ones are holding triangle to play dead and the Metal Gear mk. II stuff.

    Also, there are mission briefings you can do that show you extra cut scenes.
    My Iron Man training/charity blog.

    32" Sharp LCD. H/K dpr 1001 to Outlaw Audio 7900 to Polk LSi + Paradigm Studio center. Hsu DualDrive ULS-15. PS3/Wii. Outlaw 7900.
  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited June 2008
    Is this game out? I am serious about this, I thought it came out this Tuesday.

    That's what I thought too. Either way, MGS has always been good at pushing the envelope and not making it suck.
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,083
    edited June 2008
    I bought the game late last night and nave not yet played it. Looking forward to it. But in the same breath, I almost want to save it till next week, as my wife is out of town for the whole week...bah who am I kidding, I doub't I'll even last.........darn, just cracked the seal...oh well must go play it now!
  • MightyHalo
    MightyHalo Posts: 41
    edited June 2008
    Well... I've had the game now for 1 week....Im at the Outer Haven level.....but having a hard time due to the fact I have no rations/noodles...

    before that...took me over an hour to figure out how to kill Vamp. and up to that point, I had like 9 I got cleaned out by him...

    Overall though...its a great game...the graphics, sound, loved the motorcycle part...

    Ive never played any of the other MSG games...but..I wish I did.
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited June 2008
    Playing the original MGS on the PSOne was truly an experience. I've played all the ones in between, but none have captured my attention enough to beat them besides the very first one. I'm hoping this one won't disappoint.
  • MightyHalo
    MightyHalo Posts: 41
    edited June 2008 happened...........I just want to say, this is the 2nd best game Ive ever completed,played.etc...1st one in my opinion is FF7....

    WOW, WOW, WOW.....I won't ruin it for no one in here.....but what an awesome game......btw...from my previous post in this thread.....the part I had a hard time took finess, not brawn.

    If you are just thinking about getting this game.............its a must have game....wonderful experience.
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,083
    edited June 2008
    I find this game to be complex, it's going to take me some time to get used to it. I'm just not sure how I feel about playing for 2 mins then putting the controler down and watching it play out for 5 mins then to move Snake fo 10 secs. then watch again...
  • avelanchefan
    avelanchefan Posts: 2,401
    edited June 2008
    I find this game to be complex, it's going to take me some time to get used to it. I'm just not sure how I feel about playing for 2 mins then putting the controler down and watching it play out for 5 mins then to move Snake fo 10 secs. then watch again...

    See I have to agree with Willow here. That for me has always been a downfall of the MGS series. So many cut scenes. I don't mind a great story line and some dialougue. But starting with MGS 2 you had some cutscenes reaching 10 minutes plus. Just way to much sitting around. I know it decreases as you get further in the game, but I just lost interest after a while.

    I know I will purchase it, but the fear of sitting around watching cutscenes for the first hour of play just makes me cringe.
  • BeRad
    BeRad Posts: 736
    edited June 2008
    Personally, I love how the MGS series is trying to take gaming in a new direction. As long as a typical gamer can approach the game with an open mind, they should be able to easily become immersed in the story line by way of the cut scenes. I'd bet more and more games will be coming out, over the next decade or so, that try to bridge the gap between the story telling abilities of a movie, and the control of actually becoming the character that typical video games introduced.

    The direction that the MGS series has gone is both bold and innovative. I find myself loving the change of pace offered and can't wait for the next game that moves even more in this direction.
  • raudi
    raudi Posts: 54
    edited June 2008
    This is the 1st MGS game i've played and the mechanics of the game are different, but not too hard to get used too. Learning the CQC moves was the hardest part. Otherwise the game was fun and the cutscenes are almost movies.
  • PhantomOG
    PhantomOG Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2008
    MGS4 is available for $49.99 plus a $10 gift cert. at Circuit City this week.

    I haven't gotten the game yet, but this seems like a good time to do it.
  • sdcfan19
    sdcfan19 Posts: 56
    edited December 2008
    Just finished this game in 20hrs, 17min. I bought it the week it came out, got to Act 2, and left it for Madden, NHL, etc. I beat Resistance 2 earlier this week and thought I would get around to this one too. Awesome game, truly something different than anything else I've ever played. I've read that there is about 5hrs of video in this game, but it felt like it was a lot longer. On one hand I like this because it really gives you an unbelievable amount of knowledge about the story. The animation that takes place on the boats is amazing (Act 3 I think). On the other hand, I found it to be a pain in the butt to spend so much time watching rather than playing.

    Unlike Resistance 2, I found this audio to be much better. Really surrounded me and great LFE. Graphics are unreal. Likely the best I've seen on anything other than PC. I read that this is only 1/10th of what Kojmia wanted to do with the graphics, but was limited by the PS3 hardware. If this is only 10%, what he had planned must have been amazing.

    Just thought I would add to the list of people that have played and enjoyed MGS4. Anyone that has this under the Christmas tree should be more than excited.
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  • dagame27
    dagame27 Posts: 579
    edited December 2008
    I also beat this game recently. Growing up as a nintendo kid, it is amazing how far video games have come. The integration of incredible graphics, sound, gameplay, and story was unbelievable.
    ChrisIntegrated Amp: Cary SI-300D Processor: Marantz SR7012 Streaming: Bluesound Node 2I 4K Bluray: Panasonic UB820Mains: Von Schweikert VR2Center: Von Schweikert LCR15 Subs: 2 SVS Sb13 Ultra (HT Only) Analysis Plus Cables
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,083
    edited December 2008
    I have not played this game in a while, I'll have to get back on it as I was doing very well then put it down to play GTA and now I'm on CODWAW.
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,857
    edited December 2008

    Die spammer scum!
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • $mitty
    $mitty Posts: 33
    edited December 2008
    I'm a gigantic MGS fan. I've played thru each game multiple times since it came out on the PS1 and I find the quality of the gameplay, the graphics and the storytelling (though somewhat corny at times) has always been a step ahead of its time.

    Now, don't hate me, but I'm gonna brag a little real quick b/c I know you all can appreciate this...

    A couple weeks ago I was browsing and stumbled across the 40GB Limited Edition MGS4 PS3 that comes in Gunmetal Gray instead of black that Konami sold exclusively on their website a few months back. It was about $600. I came back another day to check it out and just daydream again and it was going for $399! I immediately snatched it up b/c I'm getting an 80GB PS3 from my wife for I'll just trade that one in and get my 400 bucks back. It came in the mail on Friday and it's as beautiful as you're imagining it to be. I've also got a 320GB hard drive that I picked up for $75 on Amazon. So ladies and gents, I'm a proud owner of a 320GB Limited Edition MGS4 Gunmetal Gray Playstation 3.

    Anybody jealous?? ;)

    BTW, it came packaged with a behind the scenes blu-ray in addition to the game. I didn't leave my house all weekend!

    I've got some pics I can post, I just haven't transfered them to my computer yet. It's a wonderful sight seeing that baby hooked up to my Polks and thumping out that unbelievable blu-ray sound. I didn't even realize what I was missing til now. The wait for this game, and for the PS3, was totally worth it. My living room will never be the same...
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