sda srs's $500.00

Posts: 297
New Orlean's CL just listed what looks like SDA SRS for $500.00.
Looks to good to be true. Anyone close? No affiliation.
Looks to good to be true. Anyone close? No affiliation.
SDA 2.3/RDO's... xovers by Ben
SDA 2.3TL/Stock..
SDA 1C/Solens/RDO's [gave to my Uncle]
Snell Type CV
SDA 1.2TL's
GFA7700 Adcom
GFP750 Adcom
TFM55X Carver
M90 Pioneer/C90 Pre
M91 x 2 Pioneers/C91 Pre
Yaqin MC10l
DCD-1520/1560/2560 Denon
Marantz DVD-8400
Carver m1.5T
DV-79avi Pioneer
TFM35X x 2
SDA 2.3TL/Stock..
SDA 1C/Solens/RDO's [gave to my Uncle]
Snell Type CV
SDA 1.2TL's
GFA7700 Adcom
GFP750 Adcom
TFM55X Carver
M90 Pioneer/C90 Pre
M91 x 2 Pioneers/C91 Pre
Yaqin MC10l
DCD-1520/1560/2560 Denon
Marantz DVD-8400
Carver m1.5T
DV-79avi Pioneer
TFM35X x 2
Post edited by Neskahi on
no afil.JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut) -
Man, the SDA's are starting to come out of the wood works of Louisiana huh?Richard? Who's your favorite Little Rascal? Alfalfa? Or is it........................Spanky?.................................Sinner.
All of the used SDA in LA just got dried outDKG999
HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED
Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC -
Worth the drive here if they weren't flooded. I had to drive all the way to georgia to get mine. I bought a car recently from a katrina evacuee and it seems to be fine.
There gone!SDA 2.3/RDO's... xovers by Ben
SDA 2.3TL/Stock..
SDA 1C/Solens/RDO's [gave to my Uncle]
Snell Type CV
SDA 1.2TL's
GFA7700 Adcom
GFP750 Adcom
TFM55X Carver
M90 Pioneer/C90 Pre
M91 x 2 Pioneers/C91 Pre
Yaqin MC10l
DCD-1520/1560/2560 Denon
Marantz DVD-8400
Carver m1.5T
DV-79avi Pioneer
TFM35X x 2 -
Worth the drive here if they weren't flooded. I had to drive all the way to georgia to get mine. I bought a car recently from a katrina evacuee and it seems to be fine.
If they evacuated in the car why wouldn't it be ok?
System 1
Hitachi 57F59A
Onkyo TX-SR703
Onkyo DV-CP702
Onkyo Dx-C390
Adcom Gfa 555-II
SVS 25-31 PCI+
Atrium 45 (Patio)
Blue Jeans Cables
System 2
Sansui 8080
Pioneer PL-560 TT
RTA11T -
If they evacuated in the car why wouldn't it be ok?
Just because they got out, doesn't mean they got out without loss/damage. -
If they evacuated in the car why wouldn't it be ok?
I've seen several "investigative" articles and reports about dealers that would snap up the more expensive luxury cars, clean then up, and sell them at auction, drive them to another city, etc.Sony 60'' SXRD 1080p
Amp = Carver AV-705THX 5-Channel
Processor = NAD T747
Panasonic BD35 Blu-Ray
Main = SDA-1C Studio with RD0s, spikes, XO rebuild, rings, I/C upgrade
Center=Polk CS10, Surround = Athena Dipoles, Sub= Boston 12HO
Music/Video Streaming = Netgear NEO550
TT = Audio Technica -
If the car came out of Metarie which flooded due to the pumps being shut off then maybe. If the car came from most of Orleans or all of St Bernard Parish, then it I doubt it. I have repaired many a flood car (ASE Cert Tech) in my 46 years of living in the N.O. area. Streets would flood from the pumps not being able to keep up with the rain fall. Generally speaking once the water gets over the console the insurance companys would total the vehicle.
We lived in Meraux in St Bernard Parish during Katrina, I had approx 12 feet of water. Lost everything but the car we were driving and a four day supply of clothes. Keep in mind that it was salt water mixed with raw sewerage and every chemical known to man. Not much was left worth saving.
I guess only the OP knows for sure if they evacuated in it or not and I wasn't trying to be a smart ****. If I came off that way then I'm sorry.
System 1
Hitachi 57F59A
Onkyo TX-SR703
Onkyo DV-CP702
Onkyo Dx-C390
Adcom Gfa 555-II
SVS 25-31 PCI+
Atrium 45 (Patio)
Blue Jeans Cables
System 2
Sansui 8080
Pioneer PL-560 TT
RTA11T -
The 99 saturn sl1, automatic, 96k, already had a flood damaged title but I had a good feeling about the car so I didn't have a problem giving them $1000 for it.
I put a little less than $400 in it for minor things like a motor and tranny mount, headliner, alignment and I can't remember what else and sold it for $2900 + ttl on payments with $1000 down, $300 mo, 0% interest.
The seller said they moved it to a parking garage before the storm. Smart move if it's true. I think it would have had more problems it had sat for days or weeks under water.
It's still going strong and the new owner is happily making their payments.