Let me introduce myself



  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited April 2008
    Jason Berkowitz
    or Jay or Jase or Berko or Berzerkowitz or J-Bone.
    My nickname was actually Zombieboy for the longest time, but who still gets called "Zombieboy" at 30?
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited April 2008
    The first name you can put on the search warrant is, "Rick".

    ....but you're not going to find anything.

    ..... not this time.

    Sal Palooza
  • dorokusai
    dorokusai Posts: 25,577
    edited April 2008
    Jason Berkowitz
    or Jay or Jase or Berko or Berzerkowitz or J-Bone.
    My nickname was actually Zombieboy for the longest time, but who still gets called "Zombieboy" at 30?

    J-Bone should be your **** name.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,098
    edited April 2008
    SolidSqual wrote: »
    I'm Mike. Currently, I am attending law school. This summer I will be joining the Air Force to use my newly found law skillz to support our country's intelligence gathering efforts.

    If you wind up in the ADC, let me know....I probably could use your help at some point.

    If you wind up as a JAG prosecutor, remember, I'm a nice guy and I really wasn't there. I didn't do it, nobody SAW me do it and you can't prove a thing.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited April 2008
    dorokusai wrote: »
    J-Bone should be your **** name.

    Damned if it isn't. J-Bone McSquirt to be precise.
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • cmy330go
    cmy330go Posts: 2,341
    edited April 2008
    Add another Dave to the list.
    Mits WD-65737, DirecTV, Oppo DV-970HD, XBOX ONE, Yamaha RX-A1030, Parasound Halo A23, Rotel RB-985, Music Hall MMF-7, Parasound PPH-100, LSi-15, LSi-C, LSi-FX, LSi-7, PSW-1000, Monster HTS2600

    2 CH
    Parasound Halo P3, Parasound Halo A21, Sutherland Ph.D, VPI Classic 3 w/ 3D arm & Soundsmith Aida Cartridge, Arcam CD72T, B&W 802 S3, Monster HTS2500,
  • carpenter
    carpenter Posts: 362
    edited April 2008
    Name: Lee
    Nick: immediate Family and very close friends call me Lilly, much to my dismay. but that's nothing compared to Junior high: I was one of those kids that looked something like two years younger then their classmates, so the bullies called me crapenter ( I can hear your chuckling all the way here ).
    Eventually puberty caught up with me. thank god.
    "If the global crisis continues, by the end of the year Only two Banks will be operational, the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank. Then these 2 banks will merge and it will be called 'The Bloody **** Bank'"
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited April 2008
    anyone else want to fess up on their nickname or real name?
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • Grimster74
    Grimster74 Posts: 2,576
    edited April 2008
    Rob (aka Grimster74)
    Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited April 2008
    carpenter wrote: »
    I was one of those kids that looked something like two years younger then their classmates, so the bullies called me crapenter ( I can hear your chuckling all the way here ).
    Eventually puberty caught up with me. thank god.

    Yeah... my last name was up for target practice on more than one occasion.
    Berkowitz somehow became Birdspit, Birdsh*t, Baconbits, Bezerkowitz (that one kinda stuck). And of course, all the usual Son of Sam jokes:)
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2008
    I thought about you the other day Z-Man. I was watching that show Medium with my wife and there was a scene of a couple driving home from a movie and the guy was telling her he did not like the movie (a romantic comedy). She said "well next time we will go see something with zombies in it, or ninjas, or ninjas fighting zombies."

    Sounds like a cool idea and if it came out, it would be a Z-man special.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited April 2008

    My real name is Steve, nickname was/is Greeny......
  • toddco
    toddco Posts: 147
    edited April 2008
    Danger's my middle name
    PB12+2 :cool:
    Sony STR-DA2ES
    Outlaw M200 x3
    SMS 1
    Signal Ultra
    Sig.2 Inters.
    PS 3
    Xbox360 Elite
    PHILLIPS 42" PLAS. 1080i
    Monster 5100 SS
  • toddco
    toddco Posts: 147
    edited April 2008
    or T money mack, T money, Toddles, Hotty Toddy
    The names Todd
    dont call me All
    PB12+2 :cool:
    Sony STR-DA2ES
    Outlaw M200 x3
    SMS 1
    Signal Ultra
    Sig.2 Inters.
    PS 3
    Xbox360 Elite
    PHILLIPS 42" PLAS. 1080i
    Monster 5100 SS
  • avguytx
    avguytx Posts: 1,628
    edited April 2008
    Allow myself to introduce...................myself.

    Wait....I've already been thru this.
    Richard? Who's your favorite Little Rascal? Alfalfa? Or is it........................Spanky?.................................Sinner.
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited April 2008
    venomclan wrote: »
    I thought about you the other day Z-Man. I was watching that show Medium with my wife and there was a scene of a couple driving home from a movie and the guy was telling her he did not like the movie (a romantic comedy). She said "well next time we will go see something with zombies in it, or ninjas, or ninjas fighting zombies."

    Sounds like a cool idea and if it came out, it would be a Z-man special.

    That could very well be the greatest idea for a movie ever. If you could find some way to incorporate lawn gnomes and have the flick set in Guam, I would preemptively hand out the Oscars. Maybe cast a bulldog that shoots lasers from its eyes and has a propensity to dress in Superman gear? Know of anyone?
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited April 2008
    That could very well be the greatest idea for a movie ever. If you could find some way to incorporate lawn gnomes and have the flick set in Guam, I would preemptively hand out the Oscars. Maybe cast a bulldog that shoots lasers from its eyes and has a propensity to dress in Superman gear? Know of anyone?

    I'd watch that movie.

    Without a doubt.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • candyliquor35m
    candyliquor35m Posts: 2,267
    edited April 2008
    Cornhulio :D

    man I miss those guys. I gotta watch their dvd I ordered.
  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited April 2008
    Maybe it will remind you how to SPELL CORNHOLIO.
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited April 2008
    bobman1235 wrote: »
    Maybe it will remind you how to SPELL CORNHOLIO.

    Dude, at this point, he's just being an asshat because he thinks it's going to get to people.

    But he doesn't play games and only participates in constructive threads, right?

    BTW, everybody who wanted to previously know what an asshat was, there is your definition right there. candyliquor35m has officially achieve asshat status.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • avguytx
    avguytx Posts: 1,628
    edited April 2008
    And notice the new signature add-on of stuff no one gives a damn about....
    Richard? Who's your favorite Little Rascal? Alfalfa? Or is it........................Spanky?.................................Sinner.
  • GMiller
    GMiller Posts: 124
    edited April 2008

    Nicknamed Beaker back in the day. Now, unfortunately, separate unrelated strangers have taken to calling me "Big Country". Usual and favorite title is Dad.
  • candyliquor35m
    candyliquor35m Posts: 2,267
    edited April 2008
    Jstas wrote: »

    No comment. Your post has nothing to do with this thread and isn't the least bit constructive.

  • capecodder
    capecodder Posts: 613
    edited April 2008
    Ted works for me.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited April 2008
    Jstas wrote: »
    Dude, at this point, he's just being an asshat because he thinks it's going to get to people.

    But he doesn't play games and only participates in constructive threads, right?

    BTW, everybody who wanted to previously know what an asshat was, there is your definition right there. candyliquor35m has officially achieve asshat status.

    Man, you guys just cannot leave it alone can you......
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited April 2008
    Jstas wrote: »
    Dude, at this point, he's just being an asshat because he thinks it's going to get to people.

    But he doesn't play games and only participates in constructive threads, right?

    BTW, everybody who wanted to previously know what an asshat was, there is your definition right there. candyliquor35m has officially achieve asshat status.

    he wanted cornholio spelled cornhulio for who knows what reason. so I obliged.. despite my better judgement :rolleyes:
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • venomclan
    venomclan Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2008
    That could very well be the greatest idea for a movie ever. If you could find some way to incorporate lawn gnomes and have the flick set in Guam, I would preemptively hand out the Oscars. Maybe cast a bulldog that shoots lasers from its eyes and has a propensity to dress in Superman gear? Know of anyone?

    The problem is that during filming, the bulldog in question would eat both the Ninjas and the Zombies, with some farva beans and a nice Chianti.
  • SKsolutions
    SKsolutions Posts: 1,820
    edited April 2008
    Sean. 'Crash' stuck for a while in the day.
    -Ignorance is strength -
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited April 2008
    anyone else want to join the first name club? :)
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • polrbehr
    polrbehr Posts: 2,835
    edited April 2008
    danger boy wrote: »
    anyone else want to join the first name club? :)
    Maybe you could edit your original post and add the names you've collected, that way people can see who's who in the first post?
    Just an idea. ;)
    So, are you willing to put forth a little effort or are you happy sitting in your skeptical poo pile?
