Carver Amp vs Denon Amp

Posts: 16
Neither. It will depend on any number of factors.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
I guess he really didn't want an answer. :rolleyes:Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
some folks hate on carver stuff sometimes, but my teenage-dom was stickered with listening sessions at my buddy's house. his dad had a nice big room with vaulted ceilings and big, plush furniture. at one end, was a pair of carver amazing speakers. at the other end, a small rack of goodies, including carver pre and power amps. i was floored the first, fifth, and fiftieth times. that system almost singlehandedly sold me on upscale audio production (well, that and my pop's monitor 10's, but i digress). just beautiful, room filling sound that grabs you like no sony shelf system can. sounds like a bose commercial. he turned us on to a lot of great stuff, too, notably a lot of british blues and early fusion.
sorry i didnt answer your question.
agear list:
1 down, 4 up.... -
I love my carver stuff. Even though most if my cover stuff is older then i am. But still carver forever.If life had more tubes it would be a lot smoother.
Oh, I'm quite sure that there are some Denon's out there that will stomp Carver gear. Asking a question like that is like asking which is better, Ford or Chevy?
No mention of whether or not you are talking about a Corvette, Chevette, Celebrity, Fiesta, Pinto or a GT500.....~ In search of accurate reproduction of music. Real sound is my reference and while perfection may not be attainable? If I chase it, I might just catch excellence. ~ -
I have two 750 Watt (mono) Carver amps running two RTi12s. Man! They sound awesome. The whole house shakes if I get froggy with 'em. :cool:
Carver T models sound like tubes amps. Carver models vary in sound depending on the model. I prefer Adcom and Carver over Denon but like video is in the eyes of the beholder so is audio to the ears of the beholder.
Good Luck but listen for yourself,
I love how music can brighten up a bad day. -
If you are talking about the older POA power amps, I would take a Denon over the Carver's anyday. Build quality alone is much better. But there really is only one way to see which you will prefer.
i have a denon rcvr, the 2807, paired w/ an infinity (i know, this is a polk site, dont hate!) beta setup and need more power. ive noticed on ebay the denon poas go for about double the carver tfms, comparable output of course and was looking for some feedback. i stumbled upon this forum, and it seems everyone here sides w/ the carvers. i only need about another 150 per channel. i need more power to my big towers. the rcvr allows me to power my rears w/ both the side and the rear channels (110 x channel). my sub is amplified 1000 watts, which shakes the whole building anyway. basically i want to get more clearness out of the towers.
Hi To All!!
I am new to this forum. I recently joined the Carver forum and several of the great Carver guys suggested that I take a look at the Polk forum since I recently acquired a pair of SDA SRS speakers. I got some great help from the Carver group and it seems many of the Polkologists are also Carverologists!! First, thanks for all of the wonderful information, it is almost overwhelming! I did a couple of searches but still haven't learned the system just yet so please forgive me if I ask questions that most probably have been answered hundreds of times! One question that I am curious about is I am getting ready to hook up my SDA SRS speakers and am wondering if I can use a single Carver 1.0t? I understand from what I was told by knowledgable folks that I need to make sure it is a grounded amp. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated!