Multiple Processors

stickman81 Posts: 1
First time poster, so hope I'm not asking too much.... I have multiple processors hooked into my tape loop, but can only get two at a time to work properly. I have a BBE Sonic Maxamizer 1002, a DBX-3BX DS, and a Nureality 3D Theatre VHT-200. I have manuals for all except the Nureality - but not sure that would help. The DBX shows how to hookup multiple processors, but it never works properly. The problem (I think) is in the different terminology used by different vendors: Tape, Record, Play, Loop, In & Out is not consistent. Is there any help on hooking these 3 signal processors together, I'd really appreciate it. I read a post by Hoosier21 stating how the Nureality is a good system (& he has the manual - old post though). At present, I have the BBE & DBX hooked up & working, but I like the effects the Nureality gives - would love to utilize it as well. Thanks again for any help.