smoke detectors for children

danger boy
Posts: 15,722
I did a story on this today. and thought this was a pretty cool idea. check it out.
Instead of a loud beep a parent can record their own voice so that the children know what to do in case of a fire.. and I guess some times children sleep thru a smoke detector's beeping. I never knew that.
Instead of a loud beep a parent can record their own voice so that the children know what to do in case of a fire.. and I guess some times children sleep thru a smoke detector's beeping. I never knew that.
PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
Post edited by danger boy on
A friend of mine from grad school, Larry Stults, patented such a design when he was a student in law school (as a project, while he was studying to become a patent att'y).
3 of my cusions have had those for a long time. we always had fun pushing the test button on those.
PaytonPolk monitor 10B's and 5 jr's
Adcom gfa 5500 and HK/240
Adcom gtp 400
Adcom gcp 600
MusicHall MMF 2.1 TT -
3 of your Sofa Cushions?
yes they are small and if you sit on them they make a funny squeaking noise.
PaytonPolk monitor 10B's and 5 jr's
Adcom gfa 5500 and HK/240
Adcom gtp 400
Adcom gcp 600
MusicHall MMF 2.1 TT -
Wow, that's way easier that the ones that fill the room with pepper spray.
I wonder which works better, parents voice or cloud of pepper spray. I would think pepper spray would be more likely to get peoples attention ... -
I vividly remember the fire alarm sound of the last apartment complex I lived in. They must have wired it wrong or something because it was *deafeningly* loud. It went off early one Sunday morning and I just remember immediately covering my ears with a pillow and curling up on the floor. It took me quite awhile to figure out what the hell was going on. Kind of defeats the purpose since it's supposed to make you get out quickly, but all I could think of was the sharp pain in my ears. Rudest awakening I've ever had.
Speaking of loud, this is the alarm I use when I need to wake up
I just set it up down the hallway and leave the bedroom door open.
When it goes off all you can do is think about how fast you can get up and go turn the damn thing off. By the time you get over your mini heart attack and get across the house to turn it off, you are awake.