f/x300 or f/x500, help???

moorefield Posts: 23
edited September 2001 in Technical/Setup
O.K. here is my situation. My HT is in a large room (24'x24') w/open ceiling. My speakers are the RT2000p fronts and CS400 center (no sub). I push them with a Denon 2801 (90watts per).

Delimma, i need surround speakers. Everything points to the f/x500s, but i like the price and size of the 300s as i will mount them 8 feet high on a wall. Even considered some RT bookshelf speakers?

Question is...if i go with the 300s what will i miss? Will i still get the timbre match? If i go bookshelf, what do i give up in HT?

p.s. I listen to 2 & 5 channel stereo and HT. Thanks!!
Post edited by moorefield on


  • TrappedUnder Ice
    TrappedUnder Ice Posts: 975
    edited September 2001
    I'll make a recomendation. I have the the 1000i's,400i center and the fx300's. I would recomend the 500's....

    However. Sinc the prices of the RT55i's have gone down in price- and only a bit more than the 300's and same as 500's... I'd get the RT55i's.

    I just switched from the 300's to RT800i's for my rears...and what a diff. I may be trading in my 1000's for 2000 since the 2000i's are on sale now..

    but just some food for thought!

    good luck:D
  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
    edited September 2001
    Some things to think about with regard to choosing between the FX series VS an RT bookshelf are:

    1. The FX series will give a less localized type of sound. The sound will appear to NOT come directly from the speaker and instead the surrounding area.

    2. The RT bookshelf series will give a more localized sound. The sound will appear to come more from the speaker rather than from the surrounding area.

    Even though the price of the FX500's and the RT55's are right around the same, they both have different properties. The best way to determine which one to buy is to listen to them yourself. Trappedunderice likes a more direct sound in the rear surrounds and I like the more diffused sound of the FX series. Neither setup is wrong. It's just a matter of taste.

    No excuses!
  • scottvamp
    scottvamp Posts: 3,277
    edited September 2001
    Even if u have wait go with the 500's. Because you have a large room and will get more fuller sound. And you will not have to ask your self what if I bought the 500's. Ha! :) LATER
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited September 2001
    Something else to consider. Placement. Side walls, rear walls....ceiling? Where is the 'sweet spot' compared to the rears?

    This can make a difference in choosing which will work best for you setup. Some setups NEED and fx di/bipole speaker to shine, some don't. (ex: mounted on side walls, directly to the side of listening area, 4 feet away on each side) So where are you gonna mount?

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • OrangeToupee
    OrangeToupee Posts: 488
    edited September 2001
    Not ulike a crack salesmen, you hook us on what we crave most, then posture coy ... where are the farts?!? Do you take me for a fool?!!!?
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