Great Finds Old & New

Systems Posts: 14,873
edited January 2008 in The Clubhouse
So I'm going through a bunch of boxes of stuff in the basement looking for old plans from last year. I stumbled across a few boxes of old equipment my dad gave me years ago.

1. Sherwood sa5000 Intgrated - still coming up on the variac
2. Dynaco FM-5 - lights up and tunes to stereo
3. Dynaco SCA-80Q Intergrated - Power light comes on
4. HK A-400 Tube Tuner - Brought up slowly & lights up

I sampled the Dynaco SCA with a pair of Infinity Primus 60 bookshelf speakers and an Acurus ACD-11 and was amazed! This little unit sounds fantastic for what it is. You hardly ever hear anything about the SCA amps. You hear plenty about the ST-70's and MK IV's. I listened to several samplings of different music and could only sit there with the "goat eatin' briars" grin. I remembered back when this unit sat in his den. Memories...........:) Next I used a set of Infinity Primus 360's and the sound only got better. I know these are crap speakers but they still sound pretty good with this combo. I'll check the rest and let you know how they sound.

While traveling this week I was in Nashville for a little work. I had some time to kill and started my usual search of local audio & hifi shops with my Garmin. Most shops have closed in that town but I did find a HIFI Buys still open. Thinking this was another Tweeter buyout I almost didn't go by there. With time to kill and nothing better to do I drove over for a look. Guess what? This store didn't get bought out. They carried some nice...NICE...stuff. Krell, Rotel, Wilson, Levinson, Lexicon and the such. I browsed the clearance tables for some deals. I was looking at some Sonance in-wall speakers when I saw a box on the floor under the table. It was full of Tara Labs Quantum IC's. I bought the whole box for $75.00. Look what I got.....

3 pairs 3 meters
5 pairs 2 meters
6 pairs 1 meter
6 pairs .5 meters

Not too bad for killing some time.:D

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  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited January 2008
    The little pre/tuner FM-5 is slick, but I like the 80Q. I had a couple of those and it is ABOUT the heaviest 40wpc amp you're likely to run across. The "Q" means it has the DynaQuad circuit as opposed to a plain 80. Hook-up 4 of the exact same speaker to that thing, and it can be quite a lot of fun. The "NULL" switch is cool. Feed the thing a mono signal, and put it in "NULL". Rotate the balance knob until you hear the LEAST amount of sound coming from the speakers. Leave the balance knob in that position, take it out of "NULL", feed it a stereo signal cause now it is perfectly balanced.

    Great basement find (for your own basement).

    The SC-80 and 80Q was supposed to be nothing more than a ST-80 power amp with a PAT-4 pre I think.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited January 2008
    I'm gonna check out the FM-5 as a pre later tonight. Then I'm gonna play with that "null" and balance the amp. The friggin' girl friend is buggin' the chit outta me to come over to her place tonight.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited January 2008 I took the FM-5 and used it as a pre. I hooked up the Acurus ACD-11 to it and ran it to the Parasound HCA-2200 I bought from Billw. Connected up a set of SDA 2's. All I can say is it would blow the doors off the house up the street....LOL. What fun!