IB subwoofer match for LC60s?

lmc7lmc7 Posts: 8
edited November 2007 in DIY, Mods & Tweaks
I have a DIY project for an infinite baffle sub to flesh out a 7.1 home theater installation. Will have six LC60s mounted in ceiling [aside: please point me to any threads on ceiling mounting] and probably an LC-series center channel. Space constraints likely mean putting two 12" drivers in a front corner. Any suggestions for which driver and plate amp would best complement the LC60s? Looking for clean, tight bass more than shattering SPL.

Room details: 15W x 23L x 7 to 10' angled ceiling, fairly reflective surfaces. Few resonance modes owing to openings in side and rear walls (but attendant imaging problems; will need acoustic treatment for partial correction). Drivers will most likely have to mount in wall rather than manifold behind it. Large closet behind drivers, openable to other room if more volume needed.

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