Mixing Tubes up . . . Ever done it? Results?

SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
edited October 2007 in 2 Channel Audio
I was thinking today. I like my Sylvania 6SN7 GTAs because of their fast pace and bass slam, but I like my GE 6SN7 GTs because . . . well I like the airy space they create between each note.

Rogue Audio informed me that although I have two tubes in my preamp, the setup is not one tube per channel. The front tube actually does most of the 2 channel work while the rear tube, does something more minor (not sure what).

At any rate, has anyone tried swapping in tubes of different types to attempt to capture what's best about either kind of tube?
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  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited October 2007
    interesting, but yeah i've done the tube toss up before.. sometimes the result was ok. other times it was a nightmare. mine isn't a tube pre amp.. so I could only try it with my tube DAC. fun stuff.. but I was a little freaked out one time there was no sound coming out of the left channel.. i wigged out thinking I had fried something. luckily i didn't.
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    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited October 2007
    Why did you lose a channel? I'm afraid one of my tubes may draw more or less current than the other. Not sure if it would mess things up . . .
  • fredv
    fredv Posts: 923
    edited October 2007
    6SN7 is a twin triode. Based on what Rogue Audio told you, it is quite apparent it uses one triode for the input and one for the output. However, this can be:
    1. Both first halves are used for inputs of both channels, and both 2nd halves are for the outputs of both channels.
    2. One tube handles the whole channel, i.e. first triode handles input, and the second handles the output.
    If it is case #1, then you can mix brand because both channels will have same brand of tube for the inputs, and same brand of tube for the outputs.
    If it is case #2, then it is not a good idea to mix as both channels will have different sound signature due to 2 different brands.
    You can ask Rogue which is the case, or look at the circuitry. Or, simply pull one tube out, if there is no sound at all, then it is #1, if there is only one channel, then it is #2.

  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited October 2007
    Thanks for the explanation Fred. That makes a lot of sense. When I get a moment I'm going to test it out.