Receiver for RTi8's

domino Posts: 1
edited October 2007 in Speakers
I am deciding what receiver/separates to buy for my new RTi8's and CSi5 center. Could someone with these speakers give me a feel for how "power hungry" or efficient these speakers are? Thx.
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  • ilikesound
    ilikesound Posts: 355
    edited September 2007
    i'm running mine thru a pioneer model, it's in my sig here..
    im also bi-wiring them, so that helps a bit. but in stereo, they can take whatever that amp can throw..i want to upgrade to see what they are really capable of, but just don't have the cash to blow on something extravagant at the moment. being a college student, i think i have it preeetty good as far as electronics go. don't want to do it just to do it. when the amp dies, i'll go all out. (or when a bargain i can't pass up does!)

    i'd suggest at LEAST 200wpc for these things, though.
    At Home:
    Panasonic 42'' TC-L42U12 LCD
    Pioneer VSX-80TXV
    Toshiba HD-XA2
    Sony PS3 - psn "metalguitars"
    Xbox 360 - gamertag "giggidygiggidy"
    Panamax 4300EX
    Polk RTi8's
    Polk CSi3's
    Polk FXi3's. (x2)
    Martin Logan Dynamo (x2)
    Audioquest interconnects and wires.

    Away From Home:
    JVC HDR-50
    stock system in new car for now:(
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 10,636
    edited September 2007
    Welcome to the forum!
    I have mine running with a denon 3803 and for HT I don't even think about upgrading or adding an amp. A good sub and you're done.
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
  • texastown
    texastown Posts: 16
    edited September 2007
    I have the RTi8's and the CSi5, a self powered subwoofer and two bookshelf surrounds in the back. I use a Pioneer VSX-1016 receiver and get plenty of power. I tried a few other receivers but found this Pioneer the best sounding with these speakers.

    The RTI8's aren't especially power hungry, my receiver is around 100wpc and it doesn't even get warm when running the sound set up. The RTi10's are where the power output becomes more demanding.
  • icehouse1
    icehouse1 Posts: 37
    edited September 2007
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited September 2007
    HK 335 until I added 3 monoblocks @ 200wpc each
  • daboyz
    daboyz Posts: 5,207
    edited September 2007
    I'm happy w/my HK 335 and the HK PA2000 running the fronts. Would love to here those monos though.
  • Willow
    Willow Posts: 11,099
    edited September 2007
    The Marantz ma700 are quite the monos. Very transparent sound, I find. Made a world of difference compared to the HK power (not to put down HK's 55wpc). Now what I should do is hook up one 8 to my outlaw and the other keep to the marantz and see if I can tell a difference.
    All that said, the extra power makes the speakers sound like they should
  • bronxkid
    bronxkid Posts: 21
    edited September 2007
    I was about to buy the onkyo 605, since I heard it worked well with polk Rti series in general. Can anyone comment on that onkyo 605/Rti8 combo?
  • Jeff1
    Jeff1 Posts: 34
    edited September 2007
    Bronxkid, I have a denon avr 1804 that is a couple of years old that is 90wpc (same as the 605). I recently purchased a pair of rti8's for my fronts, and will eventually add a csi5 center. I have the r series center and surrounds (R,L,and rear) now. I haven't driven it too hard with all channels driven, as my current center can't keep up with my new fronts. I am certainly happy though, in 2 channel mode. I know I could use more power, but these speakers are efficient and are loud and clear under my avr's power alone. Hope this helps.
  • SolidSqual
    SolidSqual Posts: 5,218
    edited September 2007
    NAD C372 will make the Rti8s sing
  • chillywilly
    chillywilly Posts: 167
    edited September 2007
    denon 888 and I'm happy
    FXi3 sats
    RTi10 fronts
    CSi5 center
    velodyne dps 10
    denon avr 888
    velodyne dps 12
    sammy lcd
    ps3 60gig
    wii for family
  • MattN03
    MattN03 Posts: 558
    edited October 2007
    I was powering mine with a H/K 635 (75w x 7) without any issues. However, when I noticed a nice improvement when I started feeding them 200 watts of Rotel power. :D The speakers don't seem as bright with the extra power.