Time passes.....

shack Posts: 11,154
edited August 2007 in The Clubhouse
but good music takes you back. Late tonight I loaded up the changer, turned off the lights and cranked up the volume for the first time in a while. A short time into my listening session, David Crosby: Live started to play. Midway through the CD the familiar riffs of “I Almost Cut My Hair” jumped out at me. Crosby’s silky smooth but forceful voice took me to an earlier time and place. I was a lanky young man with shoulder length hair held in check with a bandana. A Fu Manchu mustache, bell bottom jeans, boots, tie-dyed t-shirt and a blue jean jacket completed the look. On my left was my girl, Jo, a fair skinned, green-eyed beauty with the straightest blond hair you have ever seen. On my right was my best friend, Jim. We were passing a joint back and forth and chasing it with a fifth of Southern Comfort…sitting outside under the stars, listening to David Crosby. All was right with the world. As “Long Time Gone” blared, it sort of completed the memory and brought me back to reality. Time passes and things change. It seems like it was only yesterday but that was over 30 years ago. Jo is still good looking, but she’s been married a couple of times and I hear she has 3 kids. Jim has been dead a little over 4 years now from a massive heart attack. My girls are older now than I was then. I still wear my hair long for a guy my age (still have a lot actually) and still have a mustache (trimmed) but they are both speckled with grey. While I am still partial to jeans and t-shirts you will find more golf shirts, khakis, suits and ties in my closet than tie-dyed shirts. I haven’t smoked ANYTHING in 18 years and a margarita is my drink of choice (when I drink). I guess I’ve been a successful business man and probably make 40-50 times what I did then. Much has changed, but I still love the music. Thank God I haven’t grown out of it (as some have suggested one should do as they get older). It does however give me a sense of my mortality. Back then we thought life ended at 30, and I’m way past that!

Nonetheless, those were great times and David Crosby took me back there…for a short while.

Thanks David.
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