SDA 1 advice sought

river Dave
river Dave Posts: 1
edited August 2007 in Vintage Speakers
Hello , I am new to this forum.
I've come upon a bit of a space dilema in utilizing my Polk SDA 1's.
I've had these fine speakers since new in 86' and have run them all this time with a Carver M 1 Amp and C 1 pre amp and have now incorporated a Roku soundbridge to handle a music library download.
I've set up a new billiard room and have come to the conclusion that the only way I can be happy with my set up is if I "sink" my Polks into the wall!
The wall is non load bearing. I will leave the speakers approx 2" out from flush.
I plan on building a "box" of sheet rock around the speakers behind the wall.
I plan on leaving 6" of reflective space behind the speakers but the sides of the speaker cabinets will be rather tight to the wall cut outs. I plan on opening up a couple of round, grilled "ports" in the sheet rock adjacent to the speakers in hopes that this would suffice in bringing any reflective bass / sound from the enclosed speakers out into the listening area.
Does this sound like a futile project or could my results be favorable?
I also am thinking of adding a subwoofer through my C 1's external processor loop in hopes of compensating for any lost base.
Any advice on my project as well as recommended subwoofers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Dave