The Eagles Live....Finally!

Frank Z
Posts: 5,860
Took my wife to see the Eagles last night, last concert of their 2002 World Tour! Great Show!
We've been fans for a long time and this was only the second time that they performed near us. The last time was in Denver and I did not get tickets....I was in deep crap for quite awhile.
Not This Time!! I got seats centered on the stage, 16 rows back! We had a blast! I can honestly say I have never seen so many balding middle aged men and plump wives in spandex anywhere else!!
The show was great, and the crowd was fired up. Even got an "Extra" 30-40 minutes worth of music from the repeated encores!
I hope they make it back this way again
We've been fans for a long time and this was only the second time that they performed near us. The last time was in Denver and I did not get tickets....I was in deep crap for quite awhile.
Not This Time!! I got seats centered on the stage, 16 rows back! We had a blast! I can honestly say I have never seen so many balding middle aged men and plump wives in spandex anywhere else!!

The show was great, and the crowd was fired up. Even got an "Extra" 30-40 minutes worth of music from the repeated encores!
I hope they make it back this way again
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on
Man I want to see them. They were in Knoxville a while back, but we couldnt make it. One day I will be one of the bald guys and momma will getting her spandex on.....Oh, the bottle has been to me, my closes friend, my worse enemy!
Were all the original members there? I thought I had heard that Don Felder left the group last year.
What version of Hotel California did they do? "Hell Freezes Over" acoustic version or the original?
I would have loved to have been there! This modern music can't even remotely compare to the 70's and 80's!No excuses! -
No Don Felder! Kind of pissed us off but still a great show. I was not aware of his departure(again?) but the guy that they had playing guitar in Felders absence did a remarkable job. Not quite a 100% copy of the same rifts but good none the less. He had some pretty good solo's during the show and got a lot of cheering and screaming from the crowd for his efforts. I wish I could remember the guys name.
They did a slightly differant version of Hotel California with a lead in by one of the guys playing a trumpet, differant to say the least, but in a good way.
It was nice to see that Joe Walsch (sp?) has not mellowed all that much over the years. He really got the band and the crowd fired up with Lifes Been Good and Rocky Mountain Way! How could he miss with that one, he was singing it in Colorado!
Since this was the last show for this tour I kind of expected the boys to just phone it in, but man was I wrong. I got the feeling that they were putting everything that they had into this concert. Don't get me wrong, it was not as good as being able to see the original HFO concerts when they got back together. Glen Frye and Don Henly can still belt out a song, or croone ballads that bring back lots of good memories!
For those of you that like to listen to your equipment at home and don't get out to concerts that often, you really need to listen to more "LIVE" music. I have a greater appreciation for the Eagles now that I've had the chance to see and hear them live. -
the Eagles came to my town a few months back. i could not go.. because of lack of funds.. tix prices were expensive. i love the Eagles.. and of course kick myself all the time for not sucking it up and just going. missing my one change in a life time to to see them live. oh well. i guess i just have limits as to how much i want or can spend for live music. and the Eagles were just to damn expensive. i see about 6 or 7 concerts a year.. give or take a few.PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: -
If you can't see them live, get the Hell freezes over DTS encoded DVD and let your Polk's rock!