Need advice on installing CS1000

dpowell Posts: 3,068
edited June 2007 in Speakers
I'm moving into a different house and am having an enterntainment center built to house an 8' projection screen, my CS1000 center speaker and other equipment. The following link is where I got the idea. I'm making my own customizations and will have a 24" component and DVD storage cabinet on each side of the screen area with my RT3000's to the left and right of those. Total width including speakers will be ~ 14'

The current plan is to have the center channel fully enclosed in a base cabinet which will be approximately 25" high. I'm planning to have the builder leave 1/2" of space around the entire speaker so I can pull it out if necessary.

Seeing as though the CS1000 has a ported sub built in, are there considerations with regard to cabinet design; i.e. fully enclosed vs. vented in the back that will affect the sound quality?

Also, the rubber feet have all disappeard off the bottom of the speaker. Any recommendations on good replacements?

Any comments, advice, suggestions are welcome. I don't want to have regrets after it's all put together.

polkaudio Fully Modded SDA SRS 1.2TLs + Dreadnaught, LSiM706c, 4 X Polk Surrounds + 4 X ATMOS, SVS PB13 Ultra X 2, Pass Labs X1, Marantz 7704, Bob Carver Crimson Beauty 350 Tube Mono Blocks, Carver Sunfire Signature Cinema Grande 400x5, ADCOM GFA 7807, Panasonic UB420, Moon 380D DAC, EPSON Pro Cinema 6050
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  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited June 2007
    I would be very hesitant about putting speakers in cabinets. You are going to lose alot. They need air around all sides to get the proper sound. I have never tried it, but I bet it won't sound good. Hopefully, others with more experience will chime in. Call Ken at Polk customer service and ask for his opinion.

    As for as the rubber feet, I am sure you can find them at a craft store or Home Depot. It is just a piece of rubber!
  • dpowell
    dpowell Posts: 3,068
    edited June 2007
    I called Ken and asked for his opinion on this. Here is what he said (abridged version) in case anyone's interested. Leave up to 6" behind the speaker and 1-2" beside all edges of the speaker in the cabinet. This allows for air flow for cooling as well as a path for the bass sounds produced by the 2 power ports to get out of the cabinet. A whisper fan can be added if desired to enhance airflow for cooling.

    polkaudio Fully Modded SDA SRS 1.2TLs + Dreadnaught, LSiM706c, 4 X Polk Surrounds + 4 X ATMOS, SVS PB13 Ultra X 2, Pass Labs X1, Marantz 7704, Bob Carver Crimson Beauty 350 Tube Mono Blocks, Carver Sunfire Signature Cinema Grande 400x5, ADCOM GFA 7807, Panasonic UB420, Moon 380D DAC, EPSON Pro Cinema 6050