Cobra 148 GTL-DX

THX 3417
THX 3417 Posts: 219
edited June 2007 in The Clubhouse

Has anyone used a Cobra 148 GTL-DX in the past, as this one of my favourite rigs back in the grand days of CB radio over here in the United Kingdom, that was until the evil British government lead by Thatcher and her evil party made AM and the sidebands illegal in the UK, and on November 5th 1981 it was FM or the highway!

I kept the Cobra 148 GTL-DX and gave the British government the finger up yours I will not use your system! AM and sidebands rule OK! FM sucks!

The reason for this was that AM (Amplitude Modulation) cursed TVI (Television Interference) BS FM (Frequency Modulation) was also prone to curse TVI as well so up yours British government and 4watts for FM CB radio is like have your nuts in a vice!

The Cobra was also referred to as the Snake. “Call me Snake.” :D