Curious Way To Put It!!!

hearingimpared Posts: 21,137
edited May 2007 in The Clubhouse
As the son of a school teacher and musician, I'm a guy who has an above average and moderately vast vocabulary, except when I'm angry and then only two words usually abound. I also like to, in my own mind, decipher words and investigate the genesis of them.

Of late while reading my recent issues of TAS and Stereophile, I've been noticing a more than usual use of the word "ineffable." Now being a 51 year old teenager at heart, I find this word amusing for obvious reasons.

I tried to figure out the genesis. I can tell by the rest of the sentance the meaning of the word but still I've tried to manipulate a sentance to use a different word. Well needless to say it seems I have too much time on my hands which I assure you is not true.

So for any looney tune like myself who wonders about a word like "ineffable," here is what Merriam Webster says:

One entry found for ineffable.

Main Entry: in·ef·fa·ble
Pronunciation: (")i-'ne-f&-b&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ineffabilis, from in- + effabilis capable of being expressed, from effari to speak out, from ex- + fari to speak -- more at BAN
1 a : incapable of being expressed in words : INDESCRIBABLE <ineffable joy> b : UNSPEAKABLE <ineffable disgust>
2 : not to be uttered : TABOO <the ineffable name of Jehovah>
- in·ef·fa·bil·i·ty /-"ne-f&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- in·ef·fa·ble·ness /-'ne-f&-b&l-n&s/ noun
- in·ef·fa·bly /-blE/ adverb

I apologize for wasting your reading time!:D

Perhaps we could start a "word of the day" thread!!!
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