R50 or Monitor 50?

Jonboy Posts: 28
edited May 2007 in Speakers
Just wondering how the 2 would compare. The r50 gets pretty good reviews with dual 6.5 where the monitor are dual 5.25, but a higher line of speaker. Also I have a chance to get some old monitor 12 speakers from a family member not heavily used and in good shape how would these match up to the other two listed?
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  • engtaz
    engtaz Posts: 7,666
    edited May 2007
    Monitor 12 is much much better.

    I love how music can brighten up a bad day.
  • McCelery
    McCelery Posts: 123
    edited May 2007
    I personally think both the Monitor 50 and the R50 are way bigger than their modest bass levels justify. I don't think either of them cracks the 50Hz line at -3dB. I have set up friends with the R50 so I do like them, but I think better sound can be had with the RTi6 or a set of used RT35i/RTi38 bookshelves. Or, if you want towers, find a used pair of RT800s and be much happier :)

    The Monitor 50 is way too warm for my tastes, also.