CD optical audio

Posts: 1,487
Maybe I didn't see what I thought I did, but I believe that a couple of my CD players have optical audio out on them. After a careful look, I found a second optical input on the back of the HTR. Is the optical audio out for Cds or some other format? I thought that the CD player converted the digital signal to analog before sending to receiver/amp. If so, how does this work when optical audio is used. I love questions that display how confused I am. Thanks. (I only play basic CDs on the CD player and I won't bother with optical audio if it does no good).
Post edited by NeilGabriel on
Optical-outs on the back of CD players simply send the digital signal to your receiver/pre-pro as a digital signal. It then leaves the digital-to-analog conversion up to the receiver/pre-pro. No digital to analog conversion occurs in the cd player.
If you use the standard analog RCA outputs on your CD player, then yes, the CD player does do the digital-to-analog conversion and sends an analog signal to your receiver/pre-pro. Therefore, the receiver/pre-pro doesn't need to do any conversions.
Having both available to you is kind of nice. Now you get to play around and decide which unit has better sounding digital-to-analog converters. The CD player or the receiver/pre-pro -
home theater receivers usually have several optical and coax inputs.. and you will prob also find one digital output too on the back of a home theater receiver.
the outputs would be to send a digital signal to like a CD recorder or mini disc recorder or some type of recorder that can input a digital signal.
Some of the better CD players will have both a optical, coax and analog outputs - both fixed and variable RCA's.PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: -
Thanks...slowly, surely, catching can teach an old analog dog new tricks.
NeilGabriel wrote: »you can teach an old analog dog new tricks.
Not true for hearingimpaired! He still doesn't believe in the digital revolution that started like 25 years ago
Just playing with you, hearing! Keep rockin Reel-to-Reel style.Stereo Rig: Hales Revelation 3, Musical Fidelity CD-Pre 24, Forte Model 3 amp, Lexicon RT-10 SACD, MMF-5 w/speedbox, Forte Model 2 Phono Pre, Cardas Crosslink, APC H15, URC MX-950, Lovan Stand
Bedroom: Samsung HPR-4252, Toshiba HD-A2, HK 3480, Signal Cable, AQ speaker cable, Totem Dreamcatchers, SVS PB10-NSD, URC MX-850