CNN has a story on stereos



  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited April 2007
    I originally just wanted a leisurely read, but that ended pretty quickly. Here's the way the picture looks to me: There are a lot more people listening to music now then there ever has (at home, on the go, in the car, on vacation, etc) because it is so portable, easy, and cheap. As far as the hifi audio community should be concerned, this means that more people now than ever before are enjoying our hobby: listening to music. Granted, its not in the form we do it, or in the way we do it, or even with the equipment we use, but it is still the same enjoyment of music. Because of the numbers of probability, if there are more people listening to music, some of those people inevitably (like I did) will want more from their favorite music than they currently have. And ta-da! A new audiophile is born. Yes the market may not be focused on lossless reproduction, but music is better than no music.