How should i hook-up for Polk RM6750 subwoofer with Onkyo TX-SR504

pcand01 Posts: 2
I am new here. Just received my first home theater set ever.
I am not sure how to best hook-up the sub-woofer to the receiver. The powered subwoofer has standard speakers in and out for L and R while the Receiver has a Cinch like unique Sub-woofer output. POLK suggest 2 wirings, in one i use the front speakers receivers outputs and the sub-woofer Level input and then use the sub-woofer level output to connect the front speakers. in the other case, I connect both the sub-woofer and the front speaker to the receiver front speaker output.
How should i proceed? onkyo manual says it is not a good ides to have 2 cables in 1 output. i cannot use the pre-sub output. Then there is a setting to do on the sub-woofer to be 'Off"?
Sorry for such beginner question, I am confused and believe that you the experts could give me some guidance.
POLK RM6750 Home Theater 5:1 speakers
POLK RM6751 additional satellite speakers
ONKYO TX-SR504 7:1 Receiver
DELL WC3201 32" LCD TV
SONY DVP-NC665P 5 DVD player
TIVO serie 2 80GB DVR
COX Digital cable box Explorer 3250HD
Post edited by pcand01 on


  • engtaz
    engtaz Posts: 7,666
    edited April 2007
    the 1st into the sub, 2nd out of sub to the front speakers

    I love how music can brighten up a bad day.
  • zingo
    zingo Posts: 11,258
    edited April 2007
    Why can't you use the sub-out jack? That is the most common method of hook-up. Next to that I second engtaz. It's correct that you are not supposed to have two sets of speaker wire into one outlet, but the sub has both ins and outs, so you only have to wire it one way. Hope this helps.
  • gvg45
    gvg45 Posts: 53
    edited April 2007
    pcand01 wrote: »
    use the front speakers receivers outputs and the sub-woofer Level input and then use the sub-woofer level output to connect the front speakers.

    I would hook it up this way. Make sure in your receiver you set subwoofer to OFF/NO and front speakers to LARGE.
    pcand01 wrote: »
    Sorry for such beginner question, I am confused and believe that you the experts could give me some guidance.

    Hey man we all have to learn sometime. Let us know how it works out.:)
  • John K.
    John K. Posts: 822
    edited April 2007
    Philippe, welcome. No need to be apologetic; I and some others here have been hifi enthusuasts for decades, but we still need to read the materials very carefully, and unfortunately sometimes they aren't entirely clear. You can in fact use the sub preout on your 504, as suggested by Onkyo to connect to your sub, just as Polk shows in Option #1. The fact that there's only one sub out on the 504 and two L/R inputs on your sub isn't a problem; you can attach the cable to either L or R, since they join inside the sub. The cable that you use doesn't have to be labeled a "subwoofer cable"; any coaxial cable with an RCA plug on each end is the same thing and does the job for about $5-$10. After connecting you'll set the 504 to show subwoofer Yes and set all the speakers Small, with a 120Hz crossover. Since the 504 is handling the crossover duties, you'll turn the low-pass adjustment on the back of the sub all the way up to 160Hz to get it out of the way of the 120Hz crossover which the 504 is doing.

    Enjoy your music, and another suggestion when you're listening to CDs is to experiment with Neural Surround as well as DPLIIx or Neo:6 to see if you like one better to expand the natural ambience in the front channels out to the surrounds where it belongs.
  • reeltrouble1
    reeltrouble1 Posts: 9,312
    edited April 2007
    Anti Hi-Fi Audio Insurgent Sighting.

    The cables designed for subwoofers will sound better than some cheap dental floss cable thing. This has been proven in my blind tests as well as the members here who actually enjoy audio and what they hear from their systems. Many of us use Signal Cables (just Google it) which you order on line. Frank the owner gives a little discount if you call him and tell him you are a CP member. He is also a valuable resource for setting up your system and is not just some guy who visits an internet site (like me) giving advice.

    Welcome to Club Polk.

    I would recommend your getting your 2-channel system just right before fooling around with the DSP setting which generally sound quite poor and are quite distrating for music you should use the Dolby or DTS for movies.

    I would use the sub-out on the Onkyo to the subwoofer if it has an LFE (low frequency effects) in, this way your not going to have to worry about the double filtering. If it does not have an LFE jack then just use the left rca in (the white one) from the receivers sub-out rca output.

    Again welcome to the Club and hang around we have a ball.

  • liordra
    liordra Posts: 152
    edited April 2007
    John K. wrote: »
    you can attach the cable to either L or R, since they join inside the sub.

    you will gain more volume at each level if you use a y splitter, and connect both to L and R.
  • pcand01
    pcand01 Posts: 2
    edited April 2007
    Hi, I have it almost done, Cable box and DVD are hooked. For the sub, I try John's recommendation for now. I will also try Engtaz recommendation later because I can hear a little background noise on the sub. Note that I wired the whole thing with monster cables. I am a little surprised I was expecting something closer to my older stereo where I have 2 Cabasse Sampan 311 speakers. Of course, Cabasse is much more expensive. I have to get used to the new sound. I am trying all settings for now, DVD is much better than TV, TV is weak. Thanks guys.
    POLK RM6750 Home Theater 5:1 speakers
    POLK RM6751 additional satellite speakers
    ONKYO TX-SR504 7:1 Receiver
    DELL WC3201 32" LCD TV
    SONY DVP-NC665P 5 DVD player
    TIVO serie 2 80GB DVR
    COX Digital cable box Explorer 3250HD
  • Eric W
    Eric W Posts: 556
    edited April 2007
    On the RM6750 and a fairly new receiver such as the Onkyo TX-SR504, you can do it either way, make sure the receiver and sub settings are applicable for whatever method you choose- if you choose to do it the "speaker wire" method, follow the instructions above or in the manual.

    For the "sub out" method, connect all the speakers directly to the receiver. Connect the subwoofers "L" or "R" line inputs to the "sub out" terminal. You may use a Y splitter but its not necessary. Turn the "low pass" knob on the sub all the way up. Now, on the receiver adjust the following settings in the speaker configuration menu- all speakers = "small"; subwoofer = "yes"; crossover frequency = "120 Hz".
    -Polk Audio