Oppo Digital DV-970HD Review

Posts: 21,136
Has anyone seen the full blown review in Stereophile, May 2007 Vol. 30 NO. 5 Page 101.?
It is very eye opening!!! I'm not so sure now that if I spend $2000 + on a CD/SACD player I am going to get that much better reproduction. I've been wrestling with buying an expensive digital front end but have yet to hear a really good one that beats the front end I have now.
As much as I love vinyl I would love to be able to enjoy listening to CDs/SACDs too.
It is very eye opening!!! I'm not so sure now that if I spend $2000 + on a CD/SACD player I am going to get that much better reproduction. I've been wrestling with buying an expensive digital front end but have yet to hear a really good one that beats the front end I have now.
As much as I love vinyl I would love to be able to enjoy listening to CDs/SACDs too.
Post edited by hearingimpared on
Not yet but I will buy it now.
THANKS SNOWWell, I just pulled off the impossible by doing a double-blind comparison all by myself, purely by virtue of the fact that I completely and stupidly forgot what I did last. I guess that getting old does have its advantages after all -
I dunno. Remember the Tosh (I think it was Tosh) 3950 or somesuch that was supposed to be the giant killer? Modded, I've heard it was very good. Out of the box, I had one, and it sucked. While it did sound better than another 59 dollar DVD playa, it wasn't much to write home about.
For those looking to get SACD on the cheap, I would look at the Philips DVD963SA, used. I'd also think about getting a cheap Sony changer and have it modded. Ask Shack about his.
BDTI plan for the future. - F1Nut -
I have the Oppo and it's extremely good for the price, both for video and music playback. I was surprised to read about it in Stereophile, though. As good as it is, it ain't "audiophile" quality, nor should anyone expect it to be. Hell, it's a DVD player, ain't it?
I would highly recommend the 970 to someone looking for a great DVD player, with the understanding that they'll likely upgrade to an HD-DVD player in the next year or so when prices drop to down to the $199 threshold for universal players.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
I just read the review last night and from what I gather, it really shines more as a transport. Transports are funny and I have heard many times that where budget players work as well of better than some of the esoteric transports out there. I think that if you have a nice outboard dac than the Oppo will work it magic, or in other words, just get out of the way more so than other players.
V -
Yep, saw that, too. Wish they'd reviewed the 981 instead since it has both the Faroudja chip of the 971 and the SACD of the 970.Gallo Ref 3.1 : Bryston 4b SST : Musical fidelity CD Pre : VPI HW-19
Gallo Ref AV, Frankengallo Ref 3, LC60i : Bryston 9b SST : Meridian 565
Jordan JX92s : MF X-T100 : Xray v8
Backburner:Krell KAV-300i -
I just read the review last night and from what I gather, it really shines more as a transport. Transports are funny and I have heard many times that where budget players work as well of better than some of the esoteric transports out there. I think that if you have a nice outboard dac than the Oppo will work it magic, or in other words, just get out of the way more so than other players.
That's what I got loud and clear out of the review. I have mine connected both as a transport and through a Timbre DAC. Even so I still don't think the redbook playback holds a candle to my analog front end or even the 970s SACD. I may have to get a really hi-rez DAC or a higher or high end CD/SACD player to get to that level where I want to listen to CDs as much as I want to listen to LPs.
The Timbre DAC is an excellant DAC and really does transform that digital grunge to a nicer analogy sounding music experience but I think, I'm not sure about this, that technology has left it a little in the dust. -
Well the review be damned. I heard Jesse's Jolida and the Oppo of its own volition doesn't sound anywhere near as good. The only time the Oppo can compete is when I am using it as a transport through the Timbre DAC and that really isn't the Oppo at work it is the DAC. For $150 it is well worth the cost cause it is a universal player that does everything but scratch your back for you. My analog front ends makes the Oppo sound like an old hand held transistor radio.