NXG Cables

Posts: 565
My boss speaks highly of these cables but I've never heard of them. Does anybody know if these are good quality cables, or if anybody has ever heard them or used them? He said their Pro Sapphire Series is really awesome stuff. And another thing I dont mean to hijack my own thread but he wants to do Elan Home Theater series in-walls all the way around. Does anybody know how these will sound? They'll be ran off an HK 240.
Post edited by JoshParsons84 on
I thought your boss is the owner of a home theater shop, and is the end-all, know-all in terms of HT? What would you want our input for? :eek:
He thinks he is, but somehow he gets all this stuff and brings it to the shop. I highly value EVERYBODY'S opinion here.
Never heard of them, they must be crap.;)
Never heard of them, they must be crap.;)
LOL! It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they ended up being junk cables. He thinks just because he gets it that it's really good quality stuff. Just like our car audio room his big thing is Soundstream Tarantula and Reference. I hooked them BACK up today and GOD they sounded terrible. I couldn't stand them. Now in our HT room currently he has MTX towers and center w/Elan Home Theater series surrounds. He's waiting for Elan Home Theater series fronts and center (all in-walls) to come in. And of course with the Theater Series Elan sub. Now the sub does actually hit pretty good I have to admit. -
Sounds like a boss I used to work for. He swore by Audiovox remote starts and security systems. When it came to car audio he would come to me. I always told him to find a new vendor, Get some Alpine, Polk Audio, DEI, etc.. But he still liked his Audiovox. Most of the High Quality stuff we put in was stuff people would buy on the net and needed it installed. Ma I miss installing. I would rather do it in a house than a car now days, wow that kinda sounds the same as my sex life I guess I'm just getting older.
They sell NXG at radioshack.