Georgia Polkfest 07 Official Thread



  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited 2007 16

    Dang. Unfortunately, the house is not very wheelchair friendly. You have to be able to somehow get up 16 stairs to get to the main living level, then stairs to a top floor and stairs to a bottom floor to get off it.

    I suppose the main level would not be a problem once she reached it as its a pretty open floor plan.

    If you decide to come, don't worry about food, just about enjoying yourselves.



    I'll be happy to help with T-O's transporting his friend up and down the steps. Every Tuesday I do some volunteer work for a woman who has Fredrick's Ataxia and is in a wheel chair. I'm very familiar with transporting physically disabled people besides Ted I think we have some BIG fellows that will be in attendance and could probably do the honors on our own.:D
  • disneyjoe7
    disneyjoe7 Posts: 11,435
    edited 2007 16
    besides Ted I think we have some BIG fellows that will be in attendance and could probably do the honors on our own.:D

    Not an issue on my part happy to help, all in all hope that this issue isn't a downer for T-O :cool:

    Carver Amazing Fronts
    CS400i Center
    RT800i's Rears
    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited 2007 16
    disneyjoe7 wrote:
    all in all hope that this issue isn't a downer for T-O :cool:

    Right on!
  • ben62670
    ben62670 Posts: 15,969
    edited 2007 16
    Only 400 miles away... sounds good!
    Please. Please contact me a ben62670 @ Make sure to include who you are, and you are from Polk so I don't delete your email. Also I am now physically unable to work on any projects. If you need help let these guys know. There are many people who will help if you let them know where you are.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2007 20
    Marietta, GA. here and free to travel. Being new to the forums I'd be pleased to be invited/welcomed at the "Fest".
  • ben62670
    ben62670 Posts: 15,969
    edited 2007 20
    Marietta, GA. here and free to travel. Being new to the forums I'd be pleased to be invited/welcomed at the "Fest".

    Sorry you need 10 post to come to Club Polk events.
    Just kidding
    I'm an idiot
    Welcome to Club Polk
    I am sure you are welcome

    Please. Please contact me a ben62670 @ Make sure to include who you are, and you are from Polk so I don't delete your email. Also I am now physically unable to work on any projects. If you need help let these guys know. There are many people who will help if you let them know where you are.
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2007 20
    ben62670 wrote:
    Sorry you need 10 post to come to Club Polk events.
    Just kidding
    I'm an idiot
    Welcome to Club Polk
    I am sure you are welcome


    10 Posts......I'll get right on that today. I'm sure between now and October I'll be able to baffle you guys with questions.
  • ohskigod
    ohskigod Posts: 6,502
    edited 2007 22
    Well, Ive missed this thread for awhile.. Id love to attend.. I would have a friend with me (she is in a wheelchair/can use a walker though) would that be a problem? Any type of accessibility issues? What could we bring to help the host (food)?



    I can do 16 steps up and down with a loaded wheelchair in my sleep. I did ambulance and wheelchair van transports for years. being a 340lb gorilla helps too. Sounds like it aint too much of an issue :D
    Living Room 2 Channel -
    Schiit SYS Passive Pre. Jolida CD player. Songbird streamer. California Audio Labs Sigma II DAC, DIY 300as1/a1 Ice modules Class D amp. LSi15 with MM842 woofer upgrade, Nordost Blue Heaven and Unity interconnects.

    Upstairs 2 Channel Rig -
    Prometheus Ref. TVC passive pre, SAE A-205 Amp, Wiim pro streamer and Topping E50 DAC, California Audio Labs DX1 CD player, Von Schweikert VR3.5 speakers.

    Studio Rig - Scarlett 18i20(Gen3) DAW, Mac Mini, Aiyma A07 Max (BridgedX2), Totem Mites
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2007 22
    OK...being a Superintendent for a National General Contractor has its advantages....I'll send some of my Carpenters right over and make the whole house ADA compliant. Need an elevator? I have Otis, Schindler and Dover on speed dial...LOL
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited 2007 22
    OK...being a Superintendent for a National General Contractor has its advantages....I'll send some of my Carpenters right over and make the whole house ADA compliant. Need an elevator? I have Otis, Schindler and Dover on speed dial...LOL

    For some reason I don't think RT1 will like the house modified permanately. :p
  • Systems
    Systems Posts: 14,873
    edited 2007 22
    I never implied that it would be permanent. I also have a dedicated Demo team at my disposal. Then comes the Carpenters again to make minor adjustments to the Demo Team's offerings.
  • reeltrouble1
    reeltrouble1 Posts: 9,312
    edited 2007 22
    Hell, the elevator will be cool, ole RT1 and the MRS. will one day be needing the lifts.

    As Always the Polk Patrol is on the job and up to any task, so COME ON DOWN.

    Lou, I am trimmed down just a bit, don't know how its going to affect the belly bucking contest. But man, wait till you see me in my speedo or maybe we can do the Sumo diaper.

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited 2007 22
    But man, wait till you see me in my speedo or maybe we can do the Sumo diaper.


    I saw a picture of you guys. . . mind visual nightmares Sumo Diapers. . WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  • Fireman32
    Fireman32 Posts: 4,845
    edited 2007 22
    Lou and Ted in diapers. WAAAAAAAAAA I think I will go blind if I see that
  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited 2007 24

    Ted, want me to strap those bad boys to the roof of the Accord and save you a trip to Tejas?

    EDIT: Just read Anty's thread (hang in there bro'), and I'm down for the pre-PF golfing, too.
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • reeltrouble1
    reeltrouble1 Posts: 9,312
    edited 2007 03

    Nope, I will be out to Texas next month to get them. Think two sets of Amazings will see me through!!!!!!!!!

    Update--All systems are on go for the Polkfest07, everything is coming together. The Mrs. is getting into it.

    Special Bonus Pieces will be at the Fest and featured in one of the five racks.

    Don't just drool on the screen. Come get your ears on the hotrod modded Jolida, much thanks go out Jesse.

    Of course Russman has some of his "wow" gear tucked safely away to get your groove on.

    There are sure to be other "suprises" with something for everyone.

  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited 2007 03
    Ted, did the rash of severe weather touch your lives there?
  • reeltrouble1
    reeltrouble1 Posts: 9,312
    edited 2007 03
    Nope, we were spared the worst storms moved North, it just rained here.

    Thank for asking Joe.
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited 2007 03
    Nope, we were spared the worst storms moved North, it just rained here.

    Thank for asking Joe.

    My wife is visiting her mother today and she called me to asked.

    Ted. . . I guess she was just making sure your house didn't end up is OZ!!!;) and the trip was still on.
  • TennesseeOutlaw
    TennesseeOutlaw Posts: 414
    edited 2007 15
    Sorry I haven't gotten back to this thread in quite some time; however, many things have changed.. For the lack of a better phrase, **** has hit the fan... I will not be able to make this event most likely.. Thank you all for offering to help in any way possible.. My friend is back in the hospital and is in very serious condition.. It is looking like they may have to do some more amputations.. Life in general right now is not very good.. I was down in the dumps just contemplating life over a few (15) beers and a couple (5-8) shots of Jager the other nite.. Guess what, P.I.!!! Talk about compounding problems.. Now it looks as if all the money I have been saving over the past 4 months for some major upgrades to the HT is all pissed away.. Im still on probation for my last DUI and they are trying to throw the book at me.. Its a GD shame you cant get drunk and EFFIN WALK home!!! WTF, ya know! They took my license for 11 years, and Ive walked the straight and narrow line for 3 years.. I go to a local bar (approx 3/4 of a mile from my house) walk there and walk back, and get arrested and go to jail.. Just walking! NOT STUMBLING, NOT ROWDY, NOT PISSING IN AN ALLEY!! JUEST FREAKING WALKIN!! My appreciation for law enforcement has hit and all-time low! "To protect and serve" MY GD ****! I apologize for the explicit language. Basically, polkfest, polk speakers, and anything that has to do with my one ture passion is on indefinite hold as I am trying to keep my precious untainted posterier outta the slammer! I hope you all have a great get together..

    Thanks for the gracious replies about my friends specific handicap needs. It was/ is very greatly appreciated!

  • george daniel
    george daniel Posts: 12,096
    edited 2007 15
    Josh,, good luck with your situation,,,
    JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited 2007 15
    Sorry I haven't gotten back to this thread in quite some time; however, many things have changed.. For the lack of a better phrase, **** has hit the fan... I will not be able to make this event most likely.. Thank you all for offering to help in any way possible.. My friend is back in the hospital and is in very serious condition.. It is looking like they may have to do some more amputations.. Life in general right now is not very good.. I was down in the dumps just contemplating life over a few (15) beers and a couple (5-8) shots of Jager the other nite.. Guess what, P.I.!!! Talk about compounding problems.. Now it looks as if all the money I have been saving over the past 4 months for some major upgrades to the HT is all pissed away.. Im still on probation for my last DUI and they are trying to throw the book at me.. Its a GD shame you cant get drunk and EFFIN WALK home!!! WTF, ya know! They took my license for 11 years, and Ive walked the straight and narrow line for 3 years.. I go to a local bar (approx 3/4 of a mile from my house) walk there and walk back, and get arrested and go to jail.. Just walking! NOT STUMBLING, NOT ROWDY, NOT PISSING IN AN ALLEY!! JUEST FREAKING WALKIN!! My appreciation for law enforcement has hit and all-time low! "To protect and serve" MY GD ****! I apologize for the explicit language. Basically, polkfest, polk speakers, and anything that has to do with my one ture passion is on indefinite hold as I am trying to keep my precious untainted posterier outta the slammer! I hope you all have a great get together..

    Thanks for the gracious replies about my friends specific handicap needs. It was/ is very greatly appreciated!


    GL with that.
  • TennesseeOutlaw
    TennesseeOutlaw Posts: 414
    edited 2007 15
    Thanks fellas... And just to let you all know.. Yes, I did have quite a bit to drink that day, however, I was there from about 10:30 a.m. - about 11 p.m. I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner there.. Its not like I slammed all this in within a couple three hours.. I was impaired, but in no way out of control.. Actually, the police officer was all about searching me. I complied with him without a hitch.. I believe he thought he had scored on a drug bust becuase I took an alley to my backyard.. Of course, when he found nothing he threw whatever he could on me. Granted, I should have never been in a bar to begin with, and for the last few years I have not been, other than to bartend.. As a matter of fact, I havent even drank in months. This cop was at tops 21-22 years old, very rude, and was even a lil pushy. Some what chest bumping me and what not. If that makes sense.. I think he was trying to get me to hit him!? Nonetheless, thousands of my hard earned dollars will be spent on judicial BS instead of another set on Lsi15's and a 50+ inch HD plasma.. Almost makes me sick to my stomach! Thanks for the supporting words guys.. Pray for me plz.. I just dont know what I will do if I have to go to prison..
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited 2007 15
    How about we keep this thread Polkfest related? On track, if you will?
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • TennesseeOutlaw
    TennesseeOutlaw Posts: 414
    edited 2007 15
    Thanks Russ for your support.. Enjoy Polkfest.. God forbid someone's life is a bit more important than an effin THREAD! And there is no need to reply to this, for I will not post again.
  • RuSsMaN
    RuSsMaN Posts: 17,986
    edited 2007 15
    We get it, you're a drunk, so are a lot of other people here. Want support? Go to a meeting or make another thread, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less - lets keep the 'event' threads on track.

    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • TennesseeOutlaw
    TennesseeOutlaw Posts: 414
    edited 2007 15
    Fortunately, I am a grown man, and I do not have to take undesiginated patrol duties to make myself feel important on an open forum. If you do not like what I have to say, or do not think that is is necissarily pertinent to the particular thread than I suggest you skip over my posts.. You and no one else will or will not tell me what I can and cannot do.. Im not too sure what is up your **** this particular day, but you can get over it.. I have and continue to be a constant contributor to this forum in all aspects. Just because you have X amount of posts in no way makes you superior to anyone else on this forum. This is an open forum to any and everyone that would like to contribute. And by you continuing to post after I stated that I would no longer post on this thread makes you no different than me. So I suggest you step down off that high horse your seem to think you are on and lighten up. If you had read this entire thread, you would realize that what I posted was related to this thread. If you have anything else you would like to say to me, plz Pm me.. I apologize to this thread and anyone "I" have offended.
  • TennesseeOutlaw
    TennesseeOutlaw Posts: 414
    edited 2007 15
    OH, and BTW, have a nice day. And God bless you.
  • disneyjoe7
    disneyjoe7 Posts: 11,435
    edited 2007 15
    I'm sorry about your trouble but I agree with Russ need to keep it on topic so more it elsewhere.

    Rock on everyday gets a little closer ;)

    Carver Amazing Fronts
    CS400i Center
    RT800i's Rears
    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR

  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,096
    edited 2007 15
    I'll take a little of the heat off Russ. Cut the crybaby act or move it someplace else as it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut