Bad sl3000 in 2.3TL

riglehart Posts: 276
edited December 2006 in Vintage Speakers
I discovered I have a bad tweet today. It's not easy when you have 6 tweets and have only had the speakers for a few months. It may have been bad when I got them, but I'm not sure. I always suspected something was up with the right channel, but never took the time to mess with it.

I have some questions.

1) Do thermals always save the tweet if you are just creeping up the volume when they trip.

2) Does this mean I need a better, or biamp, setup for this listening level? (using NAD 2200 now)

3) Anyone have an SL3000 to sell? (PM me with price shipped cheapest way to 52241)

4) Or, should I just get two RDO-198 and have an SL3000 spare. I don't want to spend $300 on a full set.
Jolida Tube
Polk 11T, 7, 5, 5jr, 4
Standard equip not worth bragging about.
Post edited by riglehart on


    SLOCOOKN Posts: 704
    edited December 2006
    I just placed an order for 2 sl3000's to upgrade my 3.1 sda's from polk today 100.54 plus free 2 day shipping. can't beat that. if you already have sl3000's you should order 2. If you have the older 2000's everyone says they sound different. You might not like the out come. On the other hand if you order 2 and like it GREAT! And if not just order the other replacements.
    :eek: From the bottom it looks like a steep incline, From the top another down hill slope of mine.:mad: But I know the equilibrium's there!:cool: .."Faith No More" :D
    Sony cx985v (for now)
    BBE 482i
    B&K AVP 1030
    Adcom GFA 555 mk 2
    AudioQuest Crystal 2 spk wire
    Nordost RCA
    SDA 3.1 tl RD0 tweets
    Belkin pf60
    Carver TFM 55x
    Signal Analog 2 RCA
    AudioQuestType 4
    VMPS Original Tall Boy (Mega Woofers soon)
  • amulford
    amulford Posts: 5,020
    edited December 2006
    SLOCOOKN wrote:
    I just placed an order for 2 sl3000's to upgrade my 3.1 sda's from polk today.

    Why don't you sell him one of your SL3000's then?
  • Disc Jockey
    Disc Jockey Posts: 1,013
    edited December 2006
    The RDO198-1 is an improvement over the sl3000 and I'm sure you would be happy if you replaced the whole set. I'm not sure what the sonic repercussions would be of just replacing two of them - maybe one of the sda gurus could answer that for you.

    If you decide that you want the SL3000 let me know. I have two that I took out of my RTA11tl's about six months ago and I will sell you one... if I can find them.

    "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." Thucydides
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,000
    edited December 2006
    1) Do thermals always save the tweet if you are just creeping up the volume when they trip.


    2) Does this mean I need a better, or biamp, setup for this listening level? (using NAD 2200 now)


    3) Anyone have an SL3000 to sell? (PM me with price shipped cheapest way to 52241)

    Can't help ya there, sorry.

    4) Or, should I just get two RDO-198 and have an SL3000 spare. I don't want to spend $300 on a full set.

    I'd recommend replacing all of them.

    I just placed an order for 2 sl3000's to upgrade my 3.1 sda's
    You're not getting SL3000's, they are not available any longer. You're getting RD0198-1's.
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • schwarcw
    schwarcw Posts: 7,349
    edited December 2006
    If you can't afford the $300 for a full set, buy another SL3000 until you can save some coin. Plus it sounds like you may want to get another amp and/or replace the polyswitches in the crossover.

    Like the guys are saying, you like the improved sound of a whole set of RDO-198's. This is a worthy upgrade. Good luck!

  • motorstereo
    motorstereo Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2006
    I had the same problem in my 2.3's. I blew one tweeter and didn't want to spring for the entire 6 either. I went the cheap route and got one pair. They sound fine and I've been running them like that all summer. I wouldn't recommend buying just one to replace the blown one. The new ones do sound different than the old ones. After the holidays I do hope to get the other 4 as the newer tweeters seem to be more efficient and aren't quite as harsh sounding.