Who plays Gears of War on Live?

Joey_V Posts: 8,592
edited January 2007 in Video Games
Man... what a fun game! Too bad I'm not too good atm, and it doesnt help not to know anyone on Live....

So if anyone plays on Live, let me know... I wanna join in the comradery!

Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
Post edited by Joey_V on


  • mutelight
    mutelight Posts: 1,054
    edited December 2006
    I play online mainly when I play Co-op with a friend. We are about half way through the game on insane. My gamertag is Delentheus if you ever want to play.
    // Panasonic AE8000 // Pioneer SC-57 // Polk Audio RTi A9 // Polk Audio CSiA6 //
    // Polk Audio FXi A6 // SVS PB12-NSD Subwoofer // Logitech Harmony Ultimate // Pro-Ject Debut III //
    // Oppo BDP-103 // Microsoft Xbox One Day One Edition // Sony Playstation 4 1TB SSHD // Nintendo Wii U //
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  • dagame27
    dagame27 Posts: 590
    edited December 2006
    I will once this semester is over. The school internet is just too damn slow. Granted I kind of suck at this game anyway. So some practice time should do me some good:D
    ChrisIntegrated Amp: Cary SI-300D Processor: Marantz SR7012 Streaming: Bluesound Node 2I 4K Bluray: Panasonic UB820Mains: Von Schweikert VR2Center: Von Schweikert LCR15 Subs: 2 SVS Sb13 Ultra (HT Only) Analysis Plus Cables
  • mrbigbluelight
    mrbigbluelight Posts: 9,897
    edited December 2006
    Look for "fty Mcbuterpnts" ("fatty McButterpants"). The guy is good, REAL good and has a pretty good amount of patience with new gamers.
    He averages about 16 kills, 12 downs, 6 recoveries, so he draws a lot of heat away from you and, if you get shot, you have a good chance of getting recovered.
    Sal Palooza
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited December 2006
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • mutelight
    mutelight Posts: 1,054
    edited December 2006
    I just beat the game tonight on Insane difficulty. They surely named it that for a reason.
    // Panasonic AE8000 // Pioneer SC-57 // Polk Audio RTi A9 // Polk Audio CSiA6 //
    // Polk Audio FXi A6 // SVS PB12-NSD Subwoofer // Logitech Harmony Ultimate // Pro-Ject Debut III //
    // Oppo BDP-103 // Microsoft Xbox One Day One Edition // Sony Playstation 4 1TB SSHD // Nintendo Wii U //
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  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited January 2007
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited January 2007
    loved it playing co-op on live. played the battle online and didn't care for it.

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd

    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited January 2007
    I play almost every night. User name BaggedLancer.

    Friend me!
  • -justin-
    -justin- Posts: 891
    edited January 2007
    There are 8 people here at Polk that play, too.

    I'm jubfastlane.

  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited January 2007
    -justin- wrote:
    There are 8 people here at Polk that play, too.

    I'm jubfastlane.


    Rad. Any chance we can get the names of the other 7?
  • -justin-
    -justin- Posts: 891
    edited January 2007
    I'll let them reply if they want, I sent out an email ;)

  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited January 2007
    Well now you fools have 3 names. Step up to the plate and get ready to be curb stomped! :)

    EDIT: Gamertag is polkbkk for those people who didn't want to read my original post.
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
  • ohskigod
    ohskigod Posts: 6,502
    edited January 2007
    I go by ohskigod, not that good but getting better
    Living Room 2 Channel -
    Schiit SYS Passive Pre. Jolida CD player. Songbird streamer. California Audio Labs Sigma II DAC, DIY 300as1/a1 Ice modules Class D amp. LSi15 with MM842 woofer upgrade, Nordost Blue Heaven and Unity interconnects.

    Upstairs 2 Channel Rig -
    Prometheus Ref. TVC passive pre, SAE A-205 Amp, Wiim pro streamer and Topping E50 DAC, California Audio Labs DX1 CD player, Von Schweikert VR3.5 speakers.

    Studio Rig - Scarlett 18i20(Gen3) DAW, Mac Mini, Aiyma A07 Max (BridgedX2), Totem Mites
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2007
    The next two polk guys come in a team:
    me - isnipeforfood
    me partner - TBCF
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited January 2007
    How about we set up a specific time to play?

    Someone can host a private match and we can all play together?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2007
    isnipeforfood & tbcf usually get on around 830pm EST
    polkbkk does around 9
    jubfastlane and chrobird are random
    tbcf usually hosts for no specific reason and the other host is one of the unnamed polk players. he plays whenever he can
  • -justin-
    -justin- Posts: 891
    edited January 2007
    Hey "Big J", I want some Jamaican food for lunch. Chop chop.

    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited January 2007
    bigj505 wrote:
    me - isnipeforfood

    that is one bad-**** name.

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd

    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited January 2007
    Hmm, I may have to give this a shot. I have the game, but I never once played it online.
  • -justin-
    -justin- Posts: 891
    edited January 2007
    Demiurge wrote:
    Hmm, I may have to give this a shot. I have the game, but I never once played it online.

    You'll never want to do anything else. Be prepared to waste A LOT of time.

  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited January 2007
    BAD **** RACING

    Don't get mad if you catch an exploding torque arrow in the kneecap.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited January 2007
    Demiurge wrote:
    Hmm, I may have to give this a shot. I have the game, but I never once played it online.

    Dude? Who buys games anymore for the single player campaign? And this game in particular, its one of the greatest multiplayer games ever.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited January 2007
    Shizelbs wrote:
    Dude? Who buys games anymore for the single player campaign? And this game in particular, its one of the greatest multiplayer games ever.

    Apparently I do. I don't have hours and hours to sit around and play games at night during the week. Once in a while I get a week or so like that, but not very often. Sure wish I had more of them.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited January 2007
    Demiurge wrote:
    Apparently I do. I don't have hours and hours to sit around and play games at night during the week. Once in a while I get a week or so like that, but not very often. Sure wish I had more of them.

    Skip sleep. Thats where I find time.

    Seriously, the online MP for this game is excellent. Its unlike anything you've ever played.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited January 2007
    Shizelbs wrote:
    Skip sleep. Thats where I find time.

    Seriously, the online MP for this game is excellent. Its unlike anything you've ever played.

    I can't wait to check it out! I used to play UT all of the time, but man, the time to do all that is long gone.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited January 2007
    I was playing this last night and kept on getting my **** wooped by what seemed like a 12 year old. Damn that kid was good but he did excessive amounts of **** talking. Judging by the sound of his voice though I think i could pound him 10 feet in the ground no problem. :)
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited January 2007
    I was playing this last night and kept on getting my **** wooped by what seemed like a 12 year old. Damn that kid was good but he did excessive amounts of **** talking. Judging by the sound of his voice though I think i could pound him 10 feet in the ground no problem. :)

    Yeah, I heard you were getting pwn3ed by a n00b!
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited January 2007
    Added a bunch of you.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited January 2007
    Demi, I see you played one match last night. What did you think? Looked at your stats and you didn't get totally owned. :)
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited January 2007
    Oh, it's good fun, but I suck. I went back today and played the regular campaign a while to freshen up on the controls. :o