retailers cashing in on the Wii...

tommyboy Posts: 1,414
edited November 2006 in Video Games
looks like retailers are taking full advantage of the demand of the wii, Gamespot and Ebgames will sell it as a bundle for 700 bucks.

I remember retailers last year selling the xbox 360 for $100-200 more, but not $450!? The reason I buy everything seperate is because thats what I actually want. not dumb bundles that force you to buy stuff you don't want. I am looking forward to seeing how big the bundle box is...
If its this expensive for the wii bundle, I can't even imagine how much the ps3 bundle is(well prolly not as bad as whats going on on ebay, just saw one go for $2450:eek: )

well, I guess my xbox and Gamecube should hold me off for another year:) and I just pulled out my old SNES to play a few games... and looking to buy super metroid off ebay so I can play the " best metroid game of all time".
Fronts: Monitor 50s
Center: CSI3
surrounds: R15s
Sub:Velodyne DPS10
Dvd/Cd: Samsung HD upconverter (for now)
TV: 50" Sammy Plasma
game hardware: 360 and gcn.
Gamertag: kovster27
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