One more KARMA.....

Ricardo Posts: 10,636
edited April 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
Last week I made the first upgrade in MONTHS to my HT; I had a Denon DVD-1910 which upconverts through DVI; I was never too happy with the blacks, though overall picture was really good. I've been considering an upgrade for some time now, and thought I'd wait for something in the new generation of players...but got a nice deal on a used OPPO OPDV971H, and since this player has great reviews here and in other places, I decided to go for it.

OMG!!!; this little player does everything the Denon does good...better; and the blacks are incredibly good. This will for sure keep me happy for a couple years until new generation players go down in price and up in quality :)

So....what do I do with my Denon??? I thought I would let some polkie try it, so it's Karma time.

Goes with remote and a DVI-HDMI cable. (EDIT: is a DVI-DVI cable; you can get an adaptor if your TV has HDMI) Manual must be somewhere but it might take a while to find it....and it's easy to download from the web.

No minimum posts required. Drawing will be sometime next weekend.
***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • nebborjk
    nebborjk Posts: 425
    edited October 2006
    Damn HTR, Sweet Karma.
    Count me in.
    Proud SOPA Member since 2005!
  • ND13
    ND13 Posts: 7,601
    edited October 2006
    Oh yeah, I'm in. I'm still using my old Tosh SD2200, though it does a great job and is HDCD compatible, it was before progressive scan was even heard of.

    Ricardo, you have a PM.
  • tryrrthg
    tryrrthg Posts: 1,896
    edited October 2006
    In please. I think this one needs to stay in Ohio! :D

    EDIT: If I should be so fortunate to win this, I just wanted to FYI that I will be on vacation for two weeks and won't be back in the States until 11/17. I'll send my address then ;)
    Sony KDL-40V2500 HDTV, Rotel RSX-1067 Receiver, Sony BDP-S550 Blu-ray, Slim Devices Squeezebox, Polk RTi6, CSi3 & R15, DIY sub with Atlas 15
  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited October 2006
    Great Karma! Thanks. Please count me in. Jeff
  • Ricardo
    Ricardo Posts: 10,636
    edited October 2006
    Noel, as PM'd, I live less than 3 miles away from Kings time you plan to be around let me know in advance. I was out riding (beautiful day and there are not many left this year...).
    ***\\\\\........................... My Audio Journey ............................./////***

    2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
    Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
  • DollarDave
    DollarDave Posts: 2,575
    edited October 2006
    Fantastic Karma - In please.
  • billbillw
    billbillw Posts: 6,949
    edited October 2006
    Very nice Karma. Count me in for sure. I'd love to compare the upscaling output to my older Denon player
  • Maurice
    Maurice Posts: 517
    edited October 2006
    Thats very generous, in please!!!!
    Everytime I think I'm out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!!!!!!

    Polk 70's,40,30's
    Velo DLS 3500 Sub
    JVC 61" HD-ILA
    Sony DA4ES AVR
    Oppo 981 DVD
    Sony CDP-CX235 CD
    Signal Bi-wires
    AR ProII IC's
  • Disc Jockey
    Disc Jockey Posts: 1,013
    edited October 2006
    I tried to buy one from ecost last week but they cancelled my order since it was out of stock. Must be.....karma.

    In please
    "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." Thucydides
  • krabby5
    krabby5 Posts: 923
    edited October 2006
    in please...

    I have never had a decent DVD player....I always upgrade around it,.,,:D

    Pioneer Elite VSX-53, Polk RT800i fronts, Polk CS400i center, FX500i surround, Velodyne sub
  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited October 2006
    Wow... fantastic karma. Can't pass it up - in please.
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • millerman 3732
    millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
    edited October 2006
    in please.
    H/T: Epson 6500ub
    Sony UBP-X800
    Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
    Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
    Outlaw 7125
    Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
    Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
    Polk RTi6
    SVS PB 12 plus/2
    Velodyne SMS-1

    TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
    Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
  • shack
    shack Posts: 11,154
    edited October 2006
    Great Karma - I'm in.
    "Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right." - Ricky Gervais

    "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase

    "Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson
  • McLoki
    McLoki Posts: 5,231
    edited October 2006
    Awesome Karma - I could use a player that has different remote codes from my CD player.... :)

    Please count me it.

    Mains.............Polk LSi15 (Cherry)
    Center............Polk LSiC (Crossover upgraded)
    Surrounds.......Polk LSi7 (Gloss Black - wood sides removed and crossovers upgraded)
    Subwoofers.....SVS 25-31 CS+ and PC+ (both 20hz tune)
    Pre\Pro...........NAD T163 (Modded with LM4562 opamps)
    Amplifier.........Cinepro 3k6 (6-channel, 500wpc@4ohms)
  • okiepolkie
    okiepolkie Posts: 2,258
    edited October 2006
    In please!!
  • ninerbj
    ninerbj Posts: 870
    edited October 2006
    Great Karma!
    In please! If I win, I promise to Karma this player to other Polkies after 1 month of use so they too can enjoy and make comparisons as well.
    "she had the body of Venus, with arms."
  • MrNightly
    MrNightly Posts: 3,370
    edited October 2006
    Kicking Karma!!!

    Unfortunately, I don't have a HDTV to benefit from this!

    Best of luck and the HT God's will rewards your generous spirit... or something like that :D:D:D
    Honoured to be, an original SOPA founding member

    RTi12's - front
    CSi5 - center
    FXi3's - surrounds
    RTi4's - surrounds
    SVS PB12-NSD/2 - sub :D:D:D
    Denon 3805
    Rotel RB-985 5-Channel Amplifier

  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited October 2006
    Unbelievable Karma!
    Please count me in...

    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • hearingimpared
    hearingimpared Posts: 21,136
    edited October 2006
    In Please.

    This is perfect timing for me. I'm making settlement on my new home 11/20/06 and am pondering what gear I'm going to need for a home theater system. I already have my 2 channel system pretty much complete but have not started building the HT.
  • ahorvitz
    ahorvitz Posts: 235
    edited October 2006
    Great karma, in please!

    I'd love to try a Denon player. If I win, I'll "re-Karma" one of my players.
    Main Rig
    Pioneer Elite SC-05, Rotel RMB-1075
    RT800i, CS400i, RT35i, FXi50, Klipsch RSW-12
    Pioneer Elite DV F-07, PS3, Wii
    Monster HTS 3500 MKII
    SC Analog 2, BJC Speaker Wire
    Samsung HL61A650

    2nd Rig

    Pioneer Elite VSX-56txi, Pioneer Elite DV-47a
    Cambridge Soundworks, MC150 (Center), MC100 x 4, Mirage LF-150


    Adcom GTP-400, Adcom GFA-535II, (need a quality CDP), RT55i
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited October 2006
    Very generous. In please.
  • MattN03
    MattN03 Posts: 558
    edited October 2006
    Very generous karma. In please.
  • shawn474
    shawn474 Posts: 3,052
    edited October 2006
    Awesome offer. I am IN PLEASE!!!!
    AVR: Marantz SR-5011
    Center Channel: Polk LsiM706c
    Front: Polk LsiM703
    Rear: LSI fx
    Subwoofer: SVS 20-39pci
    Television: Samsung UN58NU7100FXZA
    DVD Player: Sony PS4
  • criverajr
    criverajr Posts: 1,675
    edited October 2006
    In please,

  • ESavinon
    ESavinon Posts: 3,066
    edited October 2006
    Excellent karma. In please.
    SRT For Life; SDA Forever!

    The SRT SEISMIC System:
    Four main satellite speakers, six powered subs, two dedicated for LFE channel, two center speakers for over/under screen placement and three Control Centers. Amaze your friends, terrorize your neighbors, seize the audio bragging rights for your state. Go ahead, buy it; you only go around once.
  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited October 2006
    Wow, definitely in. Look at the crap player I have now. Panasonic DVD-CV52 :(

    Really generous Karma, HT!
  • Ern Dog
    Ern Dog Posts: 2,237
    edited October 2006
    Excellent karma.
    Count me it please.
  • MillerLiteScott
    MillerLiteScott Posts: 2,563
    edited October 2006
    I jump in on this Karma Thing.
    I like speakers that are bigger than a small refrigerator but smaller than a big refrigerator:D
  • landry_p2000
    landry_p2000 Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2006
    Inzo like Lorenzo! Very nice.
    Main Set-up: 55" 120 hz Samsung LN55B650, Onkyo TX-SR806, Emotiva XPA-5, Emotiva XPA-2, PS3 Slim, Sony BDP-S560, Apple TV (160g), Panamax M5300-PM, Polk Audio CSi5, RTi10's, FXi3's, RTi4's, and SVS PB12 Plus

    Bedroom: Panasonic 50" S2 Plasma and Panasonic BD65 blu-ray player, Onkyo TX-SR707, Emotiva XPA-3, Emotiva UPA-2, KEF IQ7's, IQc, IQ8Ds, and SVS PB10-ISD
  • masanz1
    masanz1 Posts: 511
    edited October 2006
    too cool definately in on this
    Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason


    Yamaha RX-V2500
    SDA 1A-Mains
    None right now-Rears
    SVS 20-39PCi
    Infocus IN72