2.3 Crossover question

george daniel
Posts: 12,096
I'm getting ready to rebuild my 2,3 x-overs,it appearas that a 12uf cap is piggybacked physically and soldered to a resistor,pulled the other crossover and it looks the same. I've got the schematics,but I'm a little unsure where the replacement cap leads should go.Any thoughts ideas,maybe it's me,,but I don't understand this one.
JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
Post edited by george daniel on
When you desolder the cap from the board, the lead locations are numbered and printed on the board. The resistor is connected between the cap leads, and the cap leads soldered to the board.Carl -
Thanks Carl, got your pm,sonicaps should be here mon or tues.JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)