Okay without an amp?

Posts: 1,903
Okay, so as some of you might have read in previous posts, I may be getting a pair of RTi12s here shortly. However, I've spent all my other current funds on surround/center channels, and a sub. I currently live in an apartment, so the volume doesn't ever get cranked up too high...
My question is: Will my receiver be okay running these speakers at lower volumes until I can get an amp? I'm using an HK AVR240 (50wpc)
My question is: Will my receiver be okay running these speakers at lower volumes until I can get an amp? I'm using an HK AVR240 (50wpc)
Post edited by dane_peterson on
50 wpc is pretty low for rti 12's but i have heard that HK's have very conservative ratings but if you are going to be just using a receiver and in an apartment why dont you consider getting a pair of rti8's instead, especially if you have a sub to fill in the bass (i dont even think its that necessary unless you like to bump hip hop or something). i have rti 70's with csi5 and rti 6 for rear surrounds with a denon 2106 in a small apartment and it gets plenty loud, i have never been able to or had the need to turn up the volume close to full and its more than i need. i have also contemplated getting an external amp but i cant see it being worth the money at this point. either way good luck on your new setup and enjoy!!
thats very low output for those speakers, use it for now but, upgrade to a power amp when you can if youre wanting to try seperates(providing the AVR has preamp outputs), if not then it looks like you will be upgrading that AVR.Shoot the jumper.....................BALLIN.............!!!!!
Home Theater Pics in the Showcase :cool:
http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showcase/view.php?userid=73580 -
RTi12's with an HK 240? That's like feeding baby food to an all-pro linebacker -- when he's called into the game, he'll hardly be able to play.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
^^ Very good analogy!!
I remember when I auditioned the LSi15's at Tweeter. They had them connected up the same receiver I have a PioneerVSX-74TXVi, and the LSi's just laughed... you could tell they weren't getting any power. The Pioneer is rated at 140watts per channel, but that's 8 ohms. I don't even know why they even bother to have them connected that way? I kept hearing him say that "they don't sell well, and don't sound very good". Well, no **** genius! Connect a real amp to them and sit back and grin!
I wouldn't even think about running those off that receiver! My listening tastes might be a little different from yours as I like it loud! I guess if like "background" music played at very low volumes you should be okay?
Mike -
It's only temporary (both running no amp and living in an apartment)
But the RTi8s aren't a horrible idea. -
that rti12 setup will be fine considering your apt. space and volume requirements.
I personally think the 8's are the better choice with a sub than the 10's or 12's. Especially since you will be using the receiver to power them.
Mike -
If the apt. and the amp are temporary, then you're OK. Don't worry about it.
You're on the right track.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
Thanks for the input, guys.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to buy a pair of 12s for $625 are in okay cosmetic shape, but work great, I'll forward you to the guy who I was going to purchase them from. I feel bad backing out on him. -
Don't get too caught up with what 50w means. An HK 50w receiver is equivalent to a 100-110w Yamaha, Denon, or Pioneer. That said, it's still not a lot of power by any means. I lived in an apartment for a few years and am well aware of the volume limitations you have. That said, you're probably going to get letters from neighbors before you start straining the amp, but that all has to do with your neighbors.
I'd save up and get some more power in there. One of the BEST things about this audio hobby is that stuff doesn't really ever get old or outdated. My friend has all 1970s/1980s Sansui and Nakamichi stuff and it's probably better than all of the new stuff I have.
I've heard the RTi12s playing at a local store. The demo was a live rock concert and they sounded great. They were powering them off an HK receiver, but it was rated at 65w. That's 30% higher (by rating). The volume they were playing at was probably what I'd think is the max you could play at in your apartment without getting nasty letters from the landlord.
Just take it easy until you get a more modest amp. -
dane_peterson wrote:Thanks for the input, guys.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to buy a pair of 12s for $625 are in okay cosmetic shape, but work great, I'll forward you to the guy who I was going to purchase them from. I feel bad backing out on him.
Are you backing out to get the Rti8's?
I would buy your heart's desire (8's, 10's or 12's). I don't know if you listened to all three yet, but I know that you are upgrading from Rti6 fronts. I liked the 10's the best. The 8's sounded too bright and thin, 12's too bloated, 10's just right for me. (like the 3 bears, ha ha). Since your situation is temporary (apt. and no amp) don't skimp on what you REALLY want because you won't be satisfied if you do. -
I totally agree! The best is to audition all three and figure out what you like the best. Don't let anyone sway you from buying what you want. You could always get the 12's and use them temp on your H/K, an amp will just make them shine more when you upgrade later. I think if you get the 8' you will just be upgrading both, kinda like what I did! I went LSi's.
Mike -
I don't really wanna back out on the 12s. They're a fantastic deal, and if permanent marker works as well as you guys say it does, then I'll be okay with the cosmetic issues.
I'd love to demo all three, but there is no retailer near me that sells the RTi series. Seems the closest there is about 2 hrs away, and I don't know if I want to drive that far to hear them.
Keep your thoughts coming... I want to know I'm making the right decision, but I really need to decide by tomorrow. -
Why the hell are you backing down from the 12's? If the cosmetic blemishes are minor, just buy them. It's a great deal.
Besides, you'll want to "overbuild" your system, and this is a great opportunity to do that.HT/2-channel Rig: Sony 50 LCD TV; Toshiba HD-A2 DVD player; Emotiva LMC-1 pre/pro; Rogue Audio M-120 monoblocks (modded); Placette RVC; Emotiva LPA-1 amp; Bada HD-22 tube CDP (modded); VMPS Tower II SE (fronts); DIY Clearwave Dynamic 4CC (center); Wharfedale Opus Tri-Surrounds (rear); and VMPS 215 sub
"God grooves with tubes." -
Overkill is always a good thing.... I live through overkill.
Get the 12s and dont look back.Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R -
All right, then it's a done deal.
I got outbid at the last second on a pair of LSi15s earlier this week... went for $760! That woulda been nice. But the 12s will do fine. I'll get an amp in the near future, so they don't starve. Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. -
Dane, you shouldn't hesitate to get those RTi12s if you really want them. Don't get the idea "big speakers, big amp". The 12s are actually slightly above average in sensitivity at 90dB for 1 watt input. This means that they use less power than many smaller speakers for a given level of loudness. In the listening setup that you describe the 240 should be more than enough to meet your needs. Enjoy.
$760 for Lsi15's :eek: :eek: :eek:
Probably just as well that you got out bid because if you think you got problems driving the Rti12 right now, you probably would have had to keep the 15's sitting in boxes until you got that amp- and that would be torcher.
How much you getting the 12's for? -
Going to pick them up next week for $575. They both have quite a few chips, but they're all small, so hopefully it won't look too bad after I touch them up with a sharpie.
Ern Dog wrote:$760 for Lsi15's :eek: :eek: :eek:
I picked up a pair off Ebay for $746 and another from the same seller for $725 shipped.
Mint Condition, used for maybe 6 months.
I think this is who the OP was referring to?:o But, I didn't outbid you at the last minute I had a high bid and it never got past that point.
Mike -
Yeah, must not have been me then. I was bidding on Ebony ones... got outbid with 14 seconds left, and my hands were shaking from fury too much to type a new bid quickly enough. LoL
Sure wasn't me then!:) You can find some good deals on LSi's on Ebay from time to time, just be patient...
I'm sure you will be happy with the 12's. The LSi15's are a little much for that little H/K, but if you plan on getting an amp go for it!
Enjoy your new speakers!