someone please explain this truck phenomenon to me



  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited October 2006
    Nope, it is actually a real truck sold b international called the CXT. I believe they are in the $100,000 range. They are rated 1 pound(25,999 GVW) below the legal limit so anyone with a drivers license can drive it.
  • BaggedLancer
    BaggedLancer Posts: 6,371
    edited October 2006
    damn beat me to it
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited October 2006
    The one issue I have with those things is the headlight height being typically right at your rear view mirror. I think if they're going to raise the headlights to a blinding level for people in front of them, they should have some sort of secondary set of headlights that aren't going to blind people in front.

    I had a teacher who had a miata once that was sitting at a light (right turn lane) and someone in a jacked up truck was in the lane just to her left. The driver wanted to go right so he rolled right over her car and smashed the front end. Partially a dumb driver issue, but if ya can't see other vehicles around you, there's more than just the driver at play.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • Frank Z
    Frank Z Posts: 5,860
    edited October 2006
    You couldn't be more wrong. As long as the vehicle complies with existinf statutes, regulations, and laws then it's the driver that is 100% to blame. It's got nothing to do with what the vehicle is or how it's modified, it's all about being a responsible human being, case closed.

    Good Lord people, you people amaze me sometimes. A punk assed kid drives around blasting his ear drums to pulp with 12" subs in the back of his yugo and the seat 90% reclined is more of threat to your safety than a lifted pick-up truck.

    My rig is lifted high enough to serve mu needs and protect the occupants from asshat drivers that aren't fit to be behind the wheel in the first place.

    If Deb wants to, she can pop it into low, engage the front locker...and drive right over those little ricers.
    9/11 - WE WILL NEVER FORGET!! (<---<<click)
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  • bobman1235
    bobman1235 Posts: 10,822
    edited October 2006
    I think we should outlaw little Miatas, personally. Can't see those damned things from my truck! :D
    If you will it, dude, it is no dream.
  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited October 2006
    Dont sweat the miata was just a story.....

    THe issue about headlights blasting people in their eyes IS an issue, responsible driver or not.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • zombie boy 2000
    zombie boy 2000 Posts: 6,641
    edited October 2006
    Brett's spot-on....

    Legal, "up to spec", FDA approved, whatever.... getting ocularly blasted by someone's high intensity tractor beam is BS any day of the week.
    I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
  • strider
    strider Posts: 2,568
    edited October 2006
    Brett's spot-on....

    Legal, "up to spec", FDA approved, whatever.... getting ocularly blasted by someone's high intensity tractor beam is BS any day of the week.

    Agreed. Not only is it annoying to those in front of you, it also makes it harder for the driver of the truck to see the road. Adjusting them makes a great deal of difference for all involved.
  • daniel_paul_
    daniel_paul_ Posts: 189
    edited October 2006
    lets be honest. None of the trucks with tires bigger then 35" has a legal bumper. They will pull a Big Foot over any passenger car and kill anyone inside. My 1980 CJ had 31's and was great off road.

    As far as headlights go, I have the most trouble with Ford Explorers (in my subaru). I do not think they are ever aligned.
  • audiobliss
    audiobliss Posts: 12,518
    edited October 2006
    If someone lifts their truck and doesn't their headlights adjusted, that's 100% the driver's problem. I can't imagine someone would jack up their truck and NOT adjust the headlights...but I guess it happens...
    Jstas wrote: »
    Simple question. If you had a cool million bucks, what would you do with it?
    Wonder WTF happened to the rest of my money.
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  • brettw22
    brettw22 Posts: 7,623
    edited October 2006
    I dont' know of a way to alter factory headlights to hit where they use to when you raise the truck a few feet. They need to have something that brings the headlight level down to below the typical car rear view mirror level.
    comment comment comment comment. bitchy.
  • cmy330go
    cmy330go Posts: 2,341
    edited October 2006
    ......As far as headlights go, I have the most trouble with Ford Explorers (in my subaru). I do not think they are ever aligned.

    Hey cut Ford a break! They're too busy keeping their trucks from rolling over, and spontaneously combusting, to worry about something as petty as headlight adjustment.:D
    Mits WD-65737, DirecTV, Oppo DV-970HD, XBOX ONE, Yamaha RX-A1030, Parasound Halo A23, Rotel RB-985, Music Hall MMF-7, Parasound PPH-100, LSi-15, LSi-C, LSi-FX, LSi-7, PSW-1000, Monster HTS2600

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  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited October 2006
    cmy330go wrote:
    Hey cut Ford a break! They're too busy keeping their trucks from rolling over, and spontaneously combusting, to worry about something as petty as headlight adjustment.:D

    LOL anyone got any other Ford jokes? I love them. ;)
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • Thom
    Thom Posts: 723
    edited October 2006
    I got a copy of the MD vehicle law book years back, and the way it's written pretty much anything aftermarket is against the law. I've known a couple guys who've had lifted trucks (almost as big as the CXTs or F- 650s), and they do get pulled over sometimes. Apparently it's pretty easy to find someone to sign off for a fee... ;)

    There are standard bumper/ light height requirements. I've been pulled over for having a car that's too low. But that was always in VA, they're the worst. Whatever you do don't drive through there with a radar detector on the dash. MD cops only get me for tint and speeding.
  • opus
    opus Posts: 1,252
    edited October 2006
    So I guess we also get to judge the size of your "crank":eek: by the size of your amp.

    I bet we don't see any 4 ohm ratings in those calculations.
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