All Rotel owners -- past and present

zombie boy 2000
Posts: 6,641
Quick question.... does anyone know if the Rotel 980 accepts Analysis Plus standard-sized spades?
I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you're going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the crosshairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.Herman Blume - Rushmore
Post edited by zombie boy 2000 on
I almost can answer...I had a 980 for a while, with Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables. But I have banana plugs, so don't know about the spades.Steve Carlson
Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers
Bel Canto eVo2i integrated amp
Bel Canto PL-2 universal disc player
Analysis Plus Oval Nine speaker cables and Copper Oval-In Micro interconnects
VH Audio Flavor 4 power cables
Polk Monitor 10B speakers, retired but not forgotten -
I have a 980 in the second system and never had a problem with spades on any cables I tried.All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed and third, it is accepted as self evident.