setup question

izafar Posts: 819
edited August 2001 in Technical/Setup

I have recently purchased RM6600 speaker system with PSW250 sub along with Onkyo TX-DS494 receiver. The speaker and subwoofer's manual suggests to connect the subwoofer using front speaker outs from the receiver and then connect front speakers to speaker out on the sub. It also suggests to setup front speakers as LARGE on the receiver and also set subwoofer to NO.

On the Onkyo TX-DS494 there is no setting for selecting only front speakres as LARGE, It has a setting for setting subwoofer to NO (Which then assumes that recivers is connected to large speakers). So far I am using this setting along with the above connection method.

Is this the right setup?. My concern is that now receiver is sending low frequencies to all channels, and only front ones get filtered signal due to sub's crossover. The surround channel and center channel are still getting the low frequencies which are below their frequncy range (the spec syas that the freq. range is 130Hz to 25 KHz). What will be the effect of this on speakers perfomrnace and sound quality?.

Any opinions wil be appreciated.

Imran Zafar

Goldenear Technology Triton 1 - Benchmark AHB2 - Benchmark LA4 - Auralic Vega - Auralic Aries Mini - Marantz TT-15S1 - Clearaudio Nano
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  • lbrenner
    lbrenner Posts: 33
    edited August 2001
    I have an Onkyo DS-646, which is a pro-logic receiver with a 5.1 input. Like yours, it has no way to say that the mains are SMALL, but it does have a setting that simultaneously sets the center and surrounds to SMALL. See if your receiver has this option. That's clearly the one you need, unless that setting is hardwired in.

    It may work to set SUBWOOFER = YES, if that changes ALL the other speakers to SMALL. Then you'd have to connect the sub to the receiver's sub line-level output, and connect your speakers directly to the receiver. If you do this, you'd want to turn the crossover in the sub off, since the receiver already has done that job. (If there's no way to do this on that sub, just set any adjustable crossover to its highest frequency as an approximation.)

    I have my sub connected with line-level outputs, and I know many other posters to this forum prefer it that way.