in ceiling choice/installation

jimbau Posts: 8
edited April 2006 in Speakers
Does anyone know around how much it will cost to get 4 in ceiling speakers installed? Also I am looking for suggestions on what to get. Thanks for any help.

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  • EricT43
    EricT43 Posts: 130
    edited April 2006
    You would have to check with an electrical contractor or home audio installer to get installation costs. The cost could vary wildly depending on the job - new construction or existing house, stud locations, etc.

    No one will be able to make a suggestion on speakers until you post with your constraints -- room size, sound quality expectations, budget, other equipment, etc.
  • psyclist57
    psyclist57 Posts: 5
    edited April 2006
    i just got a pair of polk LC80i ceiling speakers from
    $186.00 each, best price i found, am going to order three more.
  • okiepolkie
    okiepolkie Posts: 2,258
    edited April 2006
    Where are you located? Maybe someone from the forum could help if they live close to you.
  • EricT43
    EricT43 Posts: 130
    edited April 2006
    psyclist57 wrote:
    i just got a pair of polk LC80i ceiling speakers from
    $186.00 each, best price i found, am going to order three more.

    How do they sound?
  • psyclist57
    psyclist57 Posts: 5
    edited April 2006
    well, so far i only have the two fronts installed with a subwoofer. i think they sound really good,better than i expected, good bass clean highs.
  • RAB
    RAB Posts: 8
    edited April 2006
    I recently installed four pair of ceiling speakers and a pair of in-walls (LC65i). One pair of the in-ceiling speakers were LC60i. I had pre-wired during construction. The installs were easy.

    The most challenging aspect is controling the powder from cutting the wallboard. I devised a catch system that mostly worked while allowing me to still hold my Rotozip with circle cutter. I understand the small hand saws work well too!

    Make sure the HVAC fan is not on and do not have the windows open. That fine powder will go everywhere. I did it while my wife was out and she had no idea much of a mess I might have made.

    Since you are working over your head you need a safe, comfortable platform to work from. I'm tall, but with eight foot ceilings it is a stretch.

    Also, get a feel for the cutting before you do the real thing. I left my family/great room for last.

    BTW: The Polk LCi series of speakers are terrific. I still have three LC265i speakers to install in a a space above my fireplace. I have been listening to them uninstalled and in less-than-optimum locations - they are phenominal!
  • SCompRacer
    SCompRacer Posts: 8,541
    edited April 2006
    I listened to in-walls/ceiling at a couple of local brick and mortar stores, Tweeter and Barretts. I went in with a budget and speaker I thought I wanted for in-walls, but exceeded it with a different brand after I heard the LCi's. Best to go listen.

    I had an owner completion lighted lower level to finish and needed to control dust so I got one of them RotoZip vacumn attachments to attach to my shop vac. I prefer using a shop vac (with filter in, of course) when cleaning up wallboard dust to preserve the house vacumn motor bearings.
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