DCM TF-1000 vs Polk SDA 1C, 2B

Posts: 12
I picked up a pair of DCM TF-1000 speakers over the weekend and they sound great! The last two pairs of TF-1000's on Ebay went for over $500 a pair so the question is now this:
Do I sell them to give me the cash to purchase a set of Polk SDA's? (#1 on my list of speakers I have a realistic chance of purchasing).
Does anyone have any experience with both of these sets of speakers and so can give some advice on any similarities, or differences?
I know that the best thing to do would be to just purchase the Polks and do a side by side comparison but c'mon, if I actually had that kind of money then I wouldn't have to sell the TF-1000's at all now would I?
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
Do I sell them to give me the cash to purchase a set of Polk SDA's? (#1 on my list of speakers I have a realistic chance of purchasing).
Does anyone have any experience with both of these sets of speakers and so can give some advice on any similarities, or differences?
I know that the best thing to do would be to just purchase the Polks and do a side by side comparison but c'mon, if I actually had that kind of money then I wouldn't have to sell the TF-1000's at all now would I?
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
Post edited by Blinddog on
Too bad you are in San Diego, I'd sell you my 2B's.
I guess it depends on what type of music you like. My dad has DCM timewindows and he likes the sound of the 2Bs better because he's a classic rock/jazz junkie.
While I don't think DCM speakers are bad or anything, I never really liked the way they sounded. -
Blinddog, first off welcome to club Polk..
secondly.... since you just got the DCM's. I'd hang on to those for a while till you hand plenty of time to evaluate them. Then if you're tired of them and ready to move on to something else... ala SDA's. then seek out of pair of them.
I see SDA's... coming up in Calif all the time.. so you may not have to wait very long.PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin: -
Welcome to Club Polk Blindog. As Dangerboy said, SDA's come up for sale in California all the time from small to large. For the price, the SDA's can't be beat.Carl
Thanks all for the info. The DCM's sound great but I think they need to be closer together, the sound stage has a hole in the middle. Of course, maybe they just need more power? Just what I need, an excuse to buy an new amp!