Srs 3.1

min888 Posts: 42
edited April 2006 in Vintage Speakers
Hello All,

I somehow are not allow to post new thread in the FS forum :confused: Anyway just asking to see if 200 for a SRS 3.1 is a good deal or not. The description is not too good cosmetically but works fine.
Post edited by min888 on


  • riglehart
    riglehart Posts: 276
    edited March 2006
    I think it is. However, shipping could be $200 if you can't pick them up. They are heavy. Still not a bad deal, though, unless they are really beat up.

    If you have an ebay account you can do an advanced search on "polk sda" and check the "completed auctions" option to see what similar ones have been going for there.
    Jolida Tube
    Polk 11T, 7, 5, 5jr, 4
    Standard equip not worth bragging about.
  • min888
    min888 Posts: 42
    edited March 2006
    It's not close to my house but it's driving distant, the only thing is I don't have a car that is big enough to put them in. Besides, I already have a pair of SRS. It's just that they seems to be very cheap. Anybody wants them they are in northern CA.
  • DollarDave
    DollarDave Posts: 2,575
    edited March 2006
    Are you asking whether to buy a pair for that price, or asking if that is a fair price for you to list yours at?

    You have listed another set of SDA's for sale here in the forum - are you only interested in selling your gear here, or are you a Polk enthusiast?

    I see you answered my questions with your subsequent post - sorry.
  • min888
    min888 Posts: 42
    edited March 2006
    After chatting with you guys especially Mr. Nut, and Scott and did a few tweaks here and there with the placement, I'm completely satisfy with them and thinks they are keepers (the SRS). I just want to alert Polkies about a potential good deal, that's all.
  • Polk65
    Polk65 Posts: 1,405
    edited March 2006
    "These are a pair of Polk Audio Signature Reference Series 3.1. The were the first set of real speakers that I have ever owned. They originally went for $2500.00 for the pair. The have been restained in black and have a few nicks in the cabinets. With a little TLC that can still sit in any living area or just make a great garage speaker. One way or another they still sound fantastic."

    Another pair of Polk's rescued from garage duty! :confused:

    I saw the CL ad and sent an email but figured my chances were slim. Yesterday, I received an email from the seller and after talking with him found out that the first two contacts had flaked. Then to pour salt on it, there was someone else that had replied by email with the same name. Fortunately the seller asked where he was from and told him to standby.

    My car died last October and I have been using the bus ever since. These speakers made my pants move enough to take three buses to a car rental location (2 hours travel) then drive 65 miles through an area crawling with cops and radar traps.

    The seller told me that he bought them at CC and had the wood restained in black, back in his college days. Today they are a lighter shade of gray. The right cabinet has an issue with glue or rather the lack of it. The right rear cabinet is not sealed, has bowed out a little bit, and thumps audibly when music is played. Both cabinets have multiple nicks and extruded chunks of wood fibers. The SDA IC is damaged and has electrical tape around the end. Pics to follow.

    I will do everything possible to restore these to their original condition and they will remain in the family.
  • BobMcG
    BobMcG Posts: 1,585
    edited March 2006
    Polk65 wrote:
    "These are a pair of Polk Audio Signature Reference Series 3.1. The were the first set of real speakers that I have ever owned. They originally went for $2500.00 for the pair."

    According to my records...
    MSRP: SDA-3.1 / $2000 a pair.

    Note: Not a quote by Polk65 but from.
  • Tour2ma
    Tour2ma Posts: 10,177
    edited March 2006
    Nice bag, P'65...

    New rule is that FM is restricted to those with minimum of 25 posts. But you got the message out... well done...
    More later,
    Vox Copuli
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. - Old English Proverb

    "Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner

    "It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
    "There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD
  • min888
    min888 Posts: 42
    edited March 2006
    Thanks, always on the look out for good deals for Polkies. Just pay back for all the help I got from the friendly folks here. Without the help I probably would have sold my SRS, because I wasn't happy with the sound but now they're keepers unless I can get a set of the Infinity Beta for cheap ;) .
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,000
    edited March 2006
    Cool, glad to hear you were able to get things worked out. Enjoy!
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • BobMcG
    BobMcG Posts: 1,585
    edited March 2006
    Man, what you had to go through just to get them shows some real devotion to audio and SDAs. Congrats and have fun restoring them.
  • rskarvan
    rskarvan Posts: 2,374
    edited March 2006
    The 3.1TL's provide 85% of the sound of the 1.2TL's. THEY ARE A GREAT SPEAKER ! ! ! Same tone. Just not quite as big of sound.
  • Polk65
    Polk65 Posts: 1,405
    edited March 2006
    min888 has the spirit! He survived the 1-2 welcome punch, took advice on set-up and rebounded deciding to keep his SRS.

    Thanks Tour for whetting my whistle in your 2004 review. The last couple that have shown up caught my attention but did not work out.

    I removed all of the mid-woofers for their journey up flights of stairs. The cabs don't look as bad as I thought when I saw them in the nighttime garage light. The first thing to do is take pictures. Next is clamping and re-gluing the cabinets. Then decide whether to sand and strip the aftermarket black finish or re-stain them dark black like the studio version. BigJim had excellent results and it's good to know these endcaps are solid. I am partial to the look of naked wood myself. Too bad the endcaps are not bolted on but as they say, nothing is easy.
  • Polk65
    Polk65 Posts: 1,405
    edited April 2006
    note to self: rpm --force = bad.
    A few days ago I tried doing a computer upgrade the (dumb) easy way and had loads of fun recovering from it. :rolleyes:

    The damage to the speakers is not as bad as I first thought, but they are nicked in many places and all joints need fresh glue. I'm waiting on a friend for clamps to repair them.

    * crossover is SDA series even though the outside looks similar to the RTA 15tl
    * crossover has white glue not the standard amber color of vintage models
    * like the RTA 15tl, the terminals are gold plated (the only SDA model I have seen like this)

    1) SDA SRS 3.1tl
    2) RTA 15tl & SDA SRS 3.1tl
    3) family
    4) SDA SRS 3.1tl terminals
    5) RTA 15tl terminals
  • schwarcw
    schwarcw Posts: 7,349
    edited April 2006
    They look real nice! Congrats on your "new to you" SDA's!

  • min888
    min888 Posts: 42
    edited April 2006
    They don't look that bad especially for the price. Have fun restoring them.