What's the purpose of having an amp?

Posts: 53
I have a Yamaha RX-V757 receiver with good power, why would I need to get an amp. What would an amp do for my system, besides add more power that I might not even need. Help with understanding the purpose of amps.
Yamaha RXV-757
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303
Post edited by tdogroeder on
this has only been cover a thousand times, do a search, many have seen the light.
Why do ask this question the first place?Dodd - Battery Preamp
Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
Outlaw ICBM - crossover
Beringher BFD - sub eq
Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!
"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." -
hoosier21 wrote:this has only been cover a thousand times, do a search, many have seen the light.
Why do ask this question the first place?
I see a lot of talk about amps and I have no experience or knowledge on amps for home theater and was curious how much they add to a system.Yamaha RXV-757
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303 -
so you have already read the answer to your question
"I see a lot of talk about amps"
Why ask the question again, your not convinced by your previous reading and want more of the same answers? Will this finally answer you question, no it will not.
Only one way to find out, get an amp and try it.Dodd - Battery Preamp
Monarchy Audio SE100 Delux - mono power amps
Sony DVP-NS999ES - SACD player
ADS 1230 - Polk SDA 2B
DIY Stereo Subwoofer towers w/(4) 12 drivers each
Crown K1 - Subwoofer amp
Outlaw ICBM - crossover
Beringher BFD - sub eq
Where is the remote? Where is the $%#$% remote!
"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us have...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." -
If you are happy with your Yamaha, and you feel it is giving you adequate power then stick with it. It will end up costing you a lot less in money in your future. Once you get an amp, you are going to want to get a bigger amp, then you will outgrow it.
So again, if you are happy with what you got, then stay with it. Besides, depending on how your system is set up, you may only get a very marginal benefit for your amp.
Case in point, my brother in law has a modest home theatre in his house, that is acoustically treated, and is only about 15 x 10, he has some Polk in wall speakers, with a Marantz receiver. In his set up, he really doesn't need a 100 pound furnace sitting in his audio rack. The Marantz sound just fine...
Scott -
hoosier21 wrote:so you have already read the answer to your question
"I see a lot of talk about amps"
Why ask the question again, your not convinced by your previous reading and want more of the same answers? Will this finally answer you question, no it will not.
Only one way to find out, get an amp and try it.
What kind of amp should I look at getting, 2 channel, 5 channel, 5 channel?What brands should I look at? I see a lot of talk about outlaw, audiosource and rotel. I know noting about amps and some good feedback would be appreciated.
ThanksYamaha RXV-757
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303 -
my advice would be to continue to do what you are doing, reading. all the brands that you talked about are very good, just continue doing research on which models they carry and pick one that you like. there isnt really anything that someone else could say here that would be much different than what has been said in the other threads that you are reading...
good luck! -
Here is a short list for you....
Parasound (http://www.parasound.com)
Outlaw (http://www.outlawaudio.com)
Meridian (http://www.meridian-audio.com)
Mark Levinson (http://www.marklevinson.com)
Bryston (http://www.bryston.ca)
Krell (http://www.krellonline.com)
Rotel (http://www.rotel.com)
Monster (http://www.monstercable.com)
*Warning* Monster is not a well liked company around these parts, however, as an owner of the MPA-2250 I would, and have recommended it. I have purchased recently a Monster Amp as welll as a Sunfire Amp and although the Sunfire is more than double the power, the Monster does as good of a job on my 1.2's
Mcintosh (http://www.mcintoshlabs.com)
Adcom (http://www.adcom.com)
Nad (http://www.nadelectronics.com)
Threshold (http://www.threshold-audio.com)
Carver (http://www.sunfire.com)
Conrad Johnson (http://www.conradjohnson.com)
This should get you started. You can get 2 Channel, 1 Channel, 5 Channel, or any combination of those mentioned. Do a little reading, one of these will meet your needs..
Scott -
Start reading!
(pay special attention to HolyDoc's review post!!)Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2 -
Take the Monster link down, will you? What a crap company.Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
RuSsMaN - Odd that Monster was the only request for removal. I happen to own a Monster 2250 amp, as well as a Parasound, and some Marantz Mono's. I wouldn't hesitate recommending any of them. As a matter of fact, if price wasn't the issue, then I would recommend the Monster over my other 4 amps.....
Scott -
I just saw some of these Monster amp's the other day. Beautiful. Didn't hear them, but damn pretty looking amps. If they sound as good as they look...Alex Cagann
Lexicon DC-1 preamp
(2) Lexicon 501 monoblock amps
Parasound CD Transport 1000
Parasound DAC1000
Nakamichi Dragon
Nakamichi RX505 -
yeah well my Adcoms are fugly. Beauty is only skin deep.
Like Bose, i'll never purchase anything from Monster on sheer principle. I don't care if they're covered in edible panties.
If someone else wants to, great. Different is good. Haens keep Monster on your list. You like them. That's good enough. -
thehaens@cox.ne wrote:RuSsMaN - Odd that Monster was the only request for removal. I happen to own a Monster 2250 amp, as well as a Parasound, and some Marantz Mono's. I wouldn't hesitate recommending any of them. As a matter of fact, if price wasn't the issue, then I would recommend the Monster over my other 4 amps.....
Pay attention folks. Most people don't have qualms with Monster's products, but their legal practices and general corporate attitude. Do a search.If you will it, dude, it is no dream. -
bobman1235 wrote:Pay attention folks. Most people don't have qualms with Monster's products, but their legal practices and general corporate attitude. Do a search.
well then you can add Samsung to that list.
oh and countless receiver manufactorers lying about their wattage specs. :cool: -
There is a lot of well documented issues with Monster and their corporate practice, and I didn't mean for this to get into a flame war with their products or company. I personnaly have a lot of their products, cables, conditioners, and now an amp. And can't say I am unhappy with any of their products. I don't buy retail on any of their products, as their products can be had for a relative bargain on the web. The Amp is built like a tank, and it is grossly underrated at 250W/channel. I have seen the meters, (FWIW) hit over 600W channel, without overload, or clipping through my 1.2's. And it is a very nice sounding amp. I was simply providing links to manufactures of amps, and systems (meridian) that is all. I wasn't saying any of them is better than the others..
Scott -
This should get you started. You can get 2 Channel, 1 Channel, 5 Channel, or any combination of those mentioned. Do a little reading, one of these will meet your needs..
How do I find prices of these amps?Yamaha RXV-757
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303 -
tdogroeder wrote:How do I find prices of these amps?
TD - If you want to buy retail, just go to the website and look around for retailers. If you are a penny pincher like me, then go to ebay, audiogon, etc. to find some deals on used or stolen :eek: equipment....
Scott -
Yamaha RXV-757
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303 -
I like the cutaway look on it, nicely built, specs are good, but never had a listen....
Scott -
Holydoc (Home Theatre Lover)
Panasonic -50PX600U 50" Plasma
Onkyo -TX-NR901 Receiver
Oppo -Oppo 980HD Universal DVD Player
Outlaw -770 (7x200watt) Amplifier
PolkAudio - RTi12 (Left and Right)
PolkAudio - CSi5 (Center)
PolkAudio - FXi3 (Back and Surround)
SVS - PB-12/Plus (Subwoofer)
Bluejean Cables - Interconnects
Logitech Harmony 880 - Remote -
It was an outstanding write up that deserves mention, & reference!Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2
thehaens@cox.ne wrote:I like the cutaway look on it, nicely built, specs are good, but never had a listen....
thanks, scott. I apreciate your thoughtsYamaha RXV-757
JM-Lab Focal Cobalt 816 S's, JM-LabFocal Cobalt CC 800 S, FXi3's, RT15's & PSW 303 -
True statement, the amp has looks like it has individual banks for each channel, the two power supplies can be seen on the front L/R of the amp. I think this amp will suit you well. You could Bi-amp, and still have a channel available for your center. And use your receiver for the surround. Not sure if there is a marriage between Sherwood/Outlaw, but it wouldn't surprise me. Many companies share technology, parts etc. Keeps costs down in production, and should ultimately keep costs down for the consumer..
Should I go with a Krell or Audiosource AMP? Are JVL AMPs any good?
What about the Niles brand? I was looking at the Niles 2125 to power the L/R LC265i's.