SDA 1.2 tweeter protection

Posts: 64
I have noticed some of you discussing a small electronic protection unit used in the Polk SDA 1.2's, and I believe I may be having an issue with these. I have the regular 1.2's and not the TL. I did uprade the tweeters, recently, with the dome ones from Nakamichi, I, of course, did all 8. Now that I have the newer tweeters, do I still need this level of protection? The reason I ask, when I am giving these speakers some heavy wattage, the tweeters will go dead. Almost every time it is both channels doing it, and only once has only one speaker had the tweeters go dead. I turn volume down, and they kick back on. There is zero distortion or amp clipping going on when the tweeter protector diaphrams(?) kick in. Should I get new ones, or are they working properly by protecting these expensive tweeters.
Alex Cagann
Lexicon DC-1 preamp
(2) Lexicon 501 monoblock amps
Parasound CD Transport 1000
Parasound DAC1000
Nakamichi Dragon
Nakamichi RX505
Lexicon DC-1 preamp
(2) Lexicon 501 monoblock amps
Parasound CD Transport 1000
Parasound DAC1000
Nakamichi Dragon
Nakamichi RX505
Post edited by autoconsortium on
You need some new polyswitches, you can get them from Polk CS, if you send then an email they will probably send em' your way for free..
PS I had the same prob. w/ mine, got the new polys and away went the problem.. -
autoconsortium wrote:I did uprade the tweeters, recently, with the dome ones from Nakamichi,
Nakamichi???Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
F1nut wrote:Nakamichi???
Nakamichi ? I replaced the polys when I did my cap upgrade and have not "tripped "them yet,ask nicely and polk will send you some, mine were free. Polk C S is numbah 1.JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut) -
Nakamichi???More later,
Vox Copuli
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"Death doesn't come with a Uhaul." - Dennis Gardner
"It's easy to get lost in price vs performance vs ego vs illusion." - doro
"There is a certain entertainment value in ripping the occaisonal (sic) buttmunch..." - TroyD -
Sorry...I didn't mean to put Nakamichi in there...however, I am as big a fan of Nakamichi as I am of Polk Audio. I will get the new poly-switcheroo's and put them in. They are getting worse every day...tonight my treble is kicking off far before they are turned up loud.Alex Cagann
Lexicon DC-1 preamp
(2) Lexicon 501 monoblock amps
Parasound CD Transport 1000
Parasound DAC1000
Nakamichi Dragon
Nakamichi RX505