HDTV..need advice for off air antenna

Ricardo Posts: 10,636
Today I pulled the trigger for a TV with built in HD tuner. While most people seem to be getting the new LCD/DLP or Plasma, I love the image of my "standard" Hitachi 51". Have always wanted a bigger screen, and a built in tuner, and did not want to pay $3000...so I got this:


With 24 months no interest it turns out to be a pretty good deal.

Now I need to get an HD antenna. would like the convenience of indoor, but I'm sure reception will be a lot better with an external, so am willing to wire what needs to be wired.

Any advice? What do you have that works ok? What bad experiences have you had??

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2008 & 2010 Football Pool WINNER
Thank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman
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