HORRIBLE gas mileage in my gm 4.8V8
5.3 is a nice engine, but it has very little in common with the "old" 327. Maybe the bore center-to-center distance, and the displacement's close but not the same. That's about it.
Something's not right though, as you should average better mileage than that, even if you're a leadfoot. The 4.8 was supposed to be kind of the "sweet spot" for efficiency vs. power for that engine family. That's really the only reason it exists. Few people buy it, because 1) not many trucks actually built equipped that way, unless they're special orders and, 2) most people prefer the extra torque of the bigger motor and fuel economy is a secondary consideration.
I doubt that it's your problem, but I have had those little platinum "pucks" fall off the electrodes on the AC platinum plugs. I pulled them out of all my vehicles and put in NGK's. Changing them every 3-4 years doesn't bother me. 100K mile plugs are a myth anyway. Fuel filters too. To quote Paul W. Klipsch, "****!" (Russ got me thinking about that Saturday)
I'm going back to listen the the SDA's now..