A RM40T demo.
Today I went to the local Tweeter specifically to demo the RM40T/RM7400T. Why? In my living room I have a TV in a corner with VERY limited space that does not lend itself to a wall mounted speaker, a stand mount bookshelf or a normal size small floor stander. Not ever the Soundbar will work in this particular location (see picture below). I thought that a slim floor stander (ie: RM40T/RM7400T) was the perfect size for the job. I packed up the demo disc and off I went. After seeing the speaker I knew it would go well with the TV and my anticipated power/source...a NAD L 53 DVD/CD Receiver...

The Review: For starters the RM7400Ts were hooked up to a Yamaha AVR. I have never really liked the pairing of Polks with Yamaha. That said, they sounded OK with this AVR. I made sure I did most of the listening without the ML sub they had available in this setup. It did reinforce the need for at least a small sub if you want any low range at all. Imaging was good and clarity was very good. The tonal quality of the speakers was pleasing. Not harsh. Accurate but with a smoothness that could be listened to for an extended period of time. Soundstage was lacking. In this situation....there is no other way to say it....they sounded....small. The addition of the sub at least gave the sound some weight and made them sound....bigger. Obviously they sound much better than the TV speakers. I am confident that they would sing a little better on the NAD. I'm thinking that these speakers (in silver) with the NAD in silver along with my silver TV and a small sub tucked behind the TV stand might make a good looking and nice sounding rig.
The drawback: Price. I understand the concept that this is what Polk sells them for. I'm not bitching that no one can discount them. I am just having a very difficult time justifying $1,000 for this particular pair of speakers. They are exactly the same price as a pair of LS19s...but are no where near the overall quality and sonic level of the LSi9s IMO. I have a very hard time convincing myself to pay for what is purely aesthetics. If they were the sonic equal of the LSi9s....I would buy them in a heartbeat. If they were $600±, no problem. I'm going to have to think long and hard about these. They did not have the big bother RM8000T/RM50Tto demo, but I know there is no way I'm spending $1,700 for them.
Don't get me wrong. This is a nice speaker. Well made. Sonically good given it's size. I just think the price is too high given it's performance. You are paying more for style, where in other Polk lines you tend to get more substance for your $ IMO. Maybe I can pick up some demos or used down the road at a price I can justify. Maybe I'm just cheap.
The subject location...

The Review: For starters the RM7400Ts were hooked up to a Yamaha AVR. I have never really liked the pairing of Polks with Yamaha. That said, they sounded OK with this AVR. I made sure I did most of the listening without the ML sub they had available in this setup. It did reinforce the need for at least a small sub if you want any low range at all. Imaging was good and clarity was very good. The tonal quality of the speakers was pleasing. Not harsh. Accurate but with a smoothness that could be listened to for an extended period of time. Soundstage was lacking. In this situation....there is no other way to say it....they sounded....small. The addition of the sub at least gave the sound some weight and made them sound....bigger. Obviously they sound much better than the TV speakers. I am confident that they would sing a little better on the NAD. I'm thinking that these speakers (in silver) with the NAD in silver along with my silver TV and a small sub tucked behind the TV stand might make a good looking and nice sounding rig.
The drawback: Price. I understand the concept that this is what Polk sells them for. I'm not bitching that no one can discount them. I am just having a very difficult time justifying $1,000 for this particular pair of speakers. They are exactly the same price as a pair of LS19s...but are no where near the overall quality and sonic level of the LSi9s IMO. I have a very hard time convincing myself to pay for what is purely aesthetics. If they were the sonic equal of the LSi9s....I would buy them in a heartbeat. If they were $600±, no problem. I'm going to have to think long and hard about these. They did not have the big bother RM8000T/RM50Tto demo, but I know there is no way I'm spending $1,700 for them.
Don't get me wrong. This is a nice speaker. Well made. Sonically good given it's size. I just think the price is too high given it's performance. You are paying more for style, where in other Polk lines you tend to get more substance for your $ IMO. Maybe I can pick up some demos or used down the road at a price I can justify. Maybe I'm just cheap.
The subject location...
"Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson