Need Big Screen Purchase advice

george daniel
Posts: 12,096
I'm going to retire my Mitsubishi 35" that I've had since 93,with no problems. Now, I plan to purchase something in the 50-60" range, and have decided NOT to buy one of the "thin" jobbies that can be wall mounted,with that said, any advice from those who have gone there before me? DLP,LCD,etc,.I do not need speakers and have been looking at the sony wega's and the larger mitsubishi's, trouble is that I do not trust salesman,in general and thought that I would seek advice here first. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. I did see the Sony Qualia 70",and was impressed until I saw the price tag,my range would be up to 3-4 k-thanks in advance,happy holidays.

JC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
Post edited by george daniel on
For that price range and size, take a look at the Sony 50" SXRD. Great picture and can be had for around $3500 at several places. The 60" version is about a $1000 more. It uses the same technology as the 70" version, but doesn't include the $12000 price tag.
Have fun shopping.
Zach -
I once owned the mitsubishi 65 in hdtv . i sold it and stepped down to the 55 of the same tv. this is a rear projection unit. the 55 has a better picture than the 65 because the pic was so stretched out to fit the big screen. this is something you might want to consider when shopping for a big tv. You also might want to consider reaserching this based on the source of your picture. Cable or satelite etc. anything that isnt filmed in hdtv can look pretty bad on hdtvs.They display them in stores and you can see how good they can look with a hdtv source but you never get to see one with a analog source that is upconverted that wasnt filmed in will be disapointed. i set my tv up with an avia disc and used the componet video imputs and the pic quality is awsome. i am a mitsubishi fan and have owned three big screen tvs and never had a problem with one. imo i suggest you stay with something 55in or less for the best picture quality and do some reaserch before you buy and find out who has the best pic quality of non hdtv filmed tv shows and videos. sorry i am not very good with techinal terms but hope this helps good luck in your search.
Whatever you do DON'T get a Samsung HLR5688. I have had nothing but problems. Good luck.Sharp Elite 70
Anthem D2V 3D
Parasound 5250
Parasound HCA 1000 A
Parasound HCA 1000
Oppo BDP 95
Von Schweikert VR4 Jr R/L Fronts
Von Schweikert LCR 4 Center
Totem Mask Surrounds X4
Hsu ULS-15 Quad Drive Subwoofers
Sony PS3
Squeezebox Touch
Polk Atrium 7s on the patio just to keep my foot in the door. -
Love the preformance of my Toshiba 48".
I have had it over 10 years and the only problem has been a blown fuse in the picture tube adjustment holding mechanisim. (I don't know what to call it)
It has blown twice and the first time the repair man came out under warrenty and they last time I replaced the fuse myself.
I don't really think that is all that bad considering it has been moved to 5 or 6 houses in it's life.Skynut
SOPA® Founder
The system Almost there
DVD Onkyo DV-SP802
Sunfire Theater Grand II
Sherbourn 7/2100
Panamax 5510 power conditioner (for electronics)
2 PSAudio UPC-200 power conditioners (for amps)
Front L/R RT3000p (Bi-Wired)
Center CS1000p (Bi-Wired) (under the television)
Center RT2000p's (Bi-Wired) (on each side of the television)
Sur FX1000
SVS ultra plus 2
Thanks for looking -
Stick with the Mitsubishi, go with what you know, you have had that 35 for 12 years without a problem. I too had the 35, and 40 tubes that had no problem, and have gone to the 65" purchased in Dec. of 2000....Never had a problem with it....(knocking on wood)..
Scott -
wingnut4772 wrote:Whatever you do DON'T get a Samsung HLR5688. I have had nothing but problems. Good luck.
ive come to the conclusion that whatever has the samsung tag, is nothing more than crap.
i purchased 2 samsung digital cameras last christmas,and both have taken a ****. nothing more than junk. -
My advice is to get the extended warranty. Trust me on this one.The Flea rig
Hitachi 50VG825 LCD
Rotel RSP 1066 (pre)-flea market
B&K St-202 (mains)-flea market
Carver M 200t (x2) (center and surrounds)-flea market
Blu-Ray..PS3 (dvd player)
Polk RTA-11t-flea market
LsiC, Fxi30's
Dual SVS PC-Utra's (1 port blocked) thanks MikeC78
Behringer Feedback Destroyer-flea market
AudioAlchemy DDE v1.0 DAC-flea market
Cambridge Audio Azur 640 CDP-flea market
Signal Cable and Kimber Kable - wrote:Stick with the Mitsubishi, go with what you know, you have had that 35 for 12 years without a problem. I too had the 35, and 40 tubes that had no problem, and have gone to the 65" purchased in Dec. of 2000....Never had a problem with it....(knocking on wood)..
ScottJC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut) -
wingnut4772 wrote:Whatever you do DON'T get a Samsung HLR5688. I have had nothing but problems. Good luck.
ive come to the conclusion that whatever has the samsung tag, is nothing more than crap.
i purchased 2 samsung digital cameras last christmas,and both have taken a ****. nothing more than junk. -
Mits is the way to go, last year I bought a Mits WS48315 and have had but one regret and that is I wish I had got either the 55 or 65. As has been mentioned in another post, standard def. pq really suffers when you blow the picture up but HDTV and DVD's look great! Most prime time programing is in HD now so SD is only a minor problem and I can't tell you how great NFL and some college football look in HD!!2 Channel:
Amp/Parasound Halo A23
Pre/Carver C-1
Tuner/Carver TX-11a
CDP/Jolida JD 100A
Turntable/AR XB-Shure V15 III -
My parents have a 30" tube widescreen HDTV. Watching the Falcons game on TV today was really kewl. It was really easy to tell when commercials weren't filmed in HD. They were kinda grainy and such.
Sony 75" Bravia 4K | Polk Audio SDA-SRS's (w/RDO's & Vampire Posts) + SVS PC+ 25-31 | AudioQuest Granite (mids) + BWA Silver (highs) | Cary Audio CAD-200 | Signal Cable Silver Resolution XLR's | Rotel Michi P5 | Signal Cable Silver Resolution XLR's | Cambridge Audio azur 840C--Wadia 170i + iPod jammed w/ lossless audio--Oppo 970 | Pure|AV PF31d -
Last Feb I purchaced a 55" Sony RP LCD,and I have been very pleased with it.I also would recomend buying an extended warrenty,good luck and have fun shoppn'.Outlaw 990 Processor
Outlaw 755 Amp
Denon 2900 dvd-sacd
Dishnetwork HD-Dvr
55" Sony LCD RPTV
Lsi 9-fronts
Rt55i- surrounds
Velodyne cht-10 sub
2007 Dodge Quad cab
Kenwood Excelon KDC-X891
JL Audio 300/V2
Polk Audio SR 6500 - Fronts
Polk Audio DB651 - Rear
2 -10" Treo Subs
Interfire IB 2600C sub amp
Sirius Sat radio
Ipod connection -
Get a Sony, **** the extended warranty, the store will just try to get out of it anyway.
My friend bought a Sony LCD 55" inch Projection Tv about 6months ago and it is simply awesome. Great picture, good sound, very light at ~ 100lbs, and Sony makes some great electronics. Get 1080p if you can afford it -
hard to beat the color reproduction that sony offers. my hitachi beats out the sony in every aspect except for color, imo. also the pq suffers big time with anything less than dvd or high def. but you get used to it. and until everything broadcasted goes hd, you'll notice how much you'll hate the gray or black bars to the sides of the screen if the tv is widescreen and the material is 4:3 aspect ratio. and on the extended warranty issue, waste of money if you never use it but pays for itself the first time if in fact you do utilize it! i say add it on. my step-dad went through two hdtv's that would have normally been outside manufacturer's warrany period. he was taken care of both times.
SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)
XBOX 360WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd wrote:I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments. -
spend an extra grand and get this.. -
Have you considered a projector? I was saving up for a big screen untill i stumbled into theatre projectors. Mine projects a 76" image at 10' away and could go bigger if i mounted it further back. I just simply roll my 35" out of the way. THe good thing about it is you will never get burned out of a big image. I use mine for dvds, xbox, and major sports events, and when i roll my tv and that screen comes down people bow to me. It's one of the clearest tv's i have ever seen at about a third of the cost of a real tv with a smaller screen! Mine cost about $950 total all the wires and screen for another $300-$400 could have got a 1080p. Think about it!
Get a Sony, f*%k the extended warranty, the store will just try to get out of it anyway.
No matter what you get ....get the extended warranty. After all the problems I have had with my set I would shoot myself if I spent 4Kor so on a set to have it die on day 366 without a disrespect RaysSharp Elite 70
Anthem D2V 3D
Parasound 5250
Parasound HCA 1000 A
Parasound HCA 1000
Oppo BDP 95
Von Schweikert VR4 Jr R/L Fronts
Von Schweikert LCR 4 Center
Totem Mask Surrounds X4
Hsu ULS-15 Quad Drive Subwoofers
Sony PS3
Squeezebox Touch
Polk Atrium 7s on the patio just to keep my foot in the door. -
You might wanna consider a Panasonic or Pioneer Plasma display. Both when properly calibrated smoke everything mentioned. The SXRD's are quite nice but the kelvin is pushed way too high and out of the box the TV bleeds red. I've sold many a DLP, LCD, Plasma and Lyco's sets. Thankfully I no longer handle the retail side, but I find it fun to poke my head around and see the latest BS flung around from net users. I'm not flaming anybody in this thread of course, I'm talkin more in general.
Every TV has advantages and disadvantages. I'll give you a small TV 101...
DLP - Faster refresh rate, better reproduction of both black and more importantly a more realistic grey scale in direct comparison to LCD. Bulbs are iffy at best, a few big name companies are in hot water this year over bulbs. Also, the color wheel is a single chip at the moment making color accuracy tough to acheive.
LCD - Very accurate color (3 primary colors pass through at the same time) unlike DLP. No color wheel spinning at 6000rpm also eases consumers minds. Worst refresh rate of all technology's and has a hard time with grey scales, it uses shaders which isn't quite accurate.
Lcos - Toshiba were the first to try and make this work. They had developed a 1080i x 1900 set two years ago and it was said to be revolutionary at the time, the only disadvantage was cost of production and high failure rate. JVC finally stepped in and made it work. Sony has since kicked it up a notch and renamed it to their in house brand SXRD and more or less have given the impression they had invented it all along. Because light is reflected and not passed through len's systems the black detail and color is almost on par with CRT. 1080p does seem to be the wave of the future, Sony's own Blue Ray format will use 1080p as it's native format. The only disadvantage I have seen is color accuracy. The set itself is bright but almost all sets have a blue (JVC) or red (Sony) push to them. I have no idea if these sets can be calibrated by an ISF tech, if they can this might be a real keeper. Bulbs will become a more and more increasing issue however. Bulb's only come with a 1yr warrenty and if you factor in the bulb replacement costs over 12 years suddenly Plasma looks attractively priced.
Plasma - The most misunderstood product on the market place. Color accuracy and grey scales are almost unmatched and when setup are identical with top quality CRT's. You can hang it on a wall!!! It takes up less space and offers a very fast response time. The downfalls are numerous however...but not as many as most people would think. Lifespan's are about 60,000 hrs and burn in is still possible but most manufactors have taken extreme precautions in order to avoid everyday use associated with these problems. Still not X-BOX PS2 friendly. Right out of the box these TV's look great when set to Film mode, virtually no calibration's have to be done. I've heard ISF tech's can finish these TV's off in under 30minutes! CRT's use to take over 2hrs!!! Ahh the joy's of fixed pixel displays.
If you happen to be in a big box store try setting all the TV's to Film Mode, with color temp set to "warm". Make sure a good source is used, COMP or HDMI cables and sharpness is down to 25-0. All noise filters should be set to off. Stare at a Plasma (Pioneer or Panasonic) for at least 5minutes. Focus on flesh tones and the shade of grey. DONT look at another TV for at least 5minutes, this is cruical. Now walk around the store and stare at the Tomato faced pictures on all the screens, then to your dismay you'll begin to notice all the grain in the pictures.
After setting the Plasmas to the setting's I've outlined now slowly work your way through all the other TV's with the same settings. If your eyes work (and I can only assume they do) you'll begin to notice the smoothness and color accuracy offered by the SXRD and Plasma and more depth in the latter.
I hope this helps. -
Thanks for the tutorial, going out today,, I will try your suggestions,,thanks again, have a safe and happy holidayJC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)
If you have not decided yet...go to Circuit City and try to demo Hitachi/Sony side by side...I was impressed by how better the Hitachi was ( least for my eyes
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SOPAThank God for different opinions. Imagine the world if we all wanted the same woman -
thats one of the places I'm headed,,thanks for the tipJC approves....he told me so. (F-1 nut)