Need your opinions on a center channel
Hey all,
Still working on building my HT setup. I currently have a pair of monitor 10s as mains and a pair of R15s as surrounds. I'm working on building a DIY sub based on the Dayton driver from parts express. My current center channel is a single bookshelf speaker of some unknown brand. I listen to some music in the room, but it's mostly reserved for HT.
I'm very happy with the monitor 10s and the R15s so far and am now looking to upgrade the center channel. I'm interested in the CSi3, but a neat DIY project at parts express caught my eye. It can be built for the same price as a CSi3, minus building time/effort of course. I've been unable to come up with anyone who's had any experience with the speaker though.
Anyone have any idea how this thing would sound compared to the CSi3?
I am definately on a budget, so I'm trying to do things as inexpensively as possible. At the same time however, I want it to sound as nice as possible.
Here's the link to the speaker I'm talking about:
Still working on building my HT setup. I currently have a pair of monitor 10s as mains and a pair of R15s as surrounds. I'm working on building a DIY sub based on the Dayton driver from parts express. My current center channel is a single bookshelf speaker of some unknown brand. I listen to some music in the room, but it's mostly reserved for HT.
I'm very happy with the monitor 10s and the R15s so far and am now looking to upgrade the center channel. I'm interested in the CSi3, but a neat DIY project at parts express caught my eye. It can be built for the same price as a CSi3, minus building time/effort of course. I've been unable to come up with anyone who's had any experience with the speaker though.
Anyone have any idea how this thing would sound compared to the CSi3?
I am definately on a budget, so I'm trying to do things as inexpensively as possible. At the same time however, I want it to sound as nice as possible.

Here's the link to the speaker I'm talking about:
Post edited by Milenko on
I have the CSi3 matched w/ R50's (front) & some left-over surrounds. It's a nice center speaker -- sounds great. It's just me, but I wouldn't waste the time trying to duplicate its sound by building it if I could afford one . . . but maybe you're looking for a hobby; & that's cool too.