Setup On a quest for the sub sweet spot

I have a Denon AVR1905 and I have RTI10's with a velodyne DLS-3750R. My Receiver goes down to 40hz and I have the sub set to direct. The manual for the sub says to set the receiver to 80hz and the sub to direct or 120hz. The guy at sound advice says to make the receiver 40hz and the sub 80hz. Also I have floor standing towers and some people say to set them to small should I do that? And the center csi3 small or large? :confused:
Post edited by Joey Chips on


  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited November 2005
    try setting them all to small.. and the sub to on of course. see how that works for ya. if not.. change the fronts to large.. since they will be able to handle the bass.. and see how that sounds.. center to small sounds about right.

    place your sub in a corner for max bass output.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • schwarcw
    schwarcw Posts: 7,341
    edited November 2005
    Welcome to the Forum!

    I'd go for the corner too! 80 Hz is the THX standard. Might be too high for music, I set mine to around 50 for music. I's set the amp at 80 and use your variable knob on the subwoofer to tune it in to your liking. Try it other settings and see what happens!

  • Joey Chips
    Joey Chips Posts: 3
    edited November 2005
    I went ahead and set the receiver to 80 and the sub to direct (120). I switched the speakers to small and it sounds really good. I just have to adjust the volume on the sub to find the sweet spot every time, thank god the velodynes come with remotes. for music I dont know yet still have to play around im leaning towards what schwarcw said i have dropped it to 60 for music and seems to sound good. I cant wait to get the setup in a larger room I think alot of my problems are comming from room size. But soon I will have a larger room :)