Marantz MA-6100 Monoblock amp

Posts: 66
Has anyone heard this amp , does it come close to B+K AVR307 sound or Outlaw, B+K seperates, Denon AVR4802? I haven't been able to hear any. No one around me has them. Hey Mantis please list the Brand and model you know matches up with my system excellently. My max is $3500, unless it really is awesome
RT1000's mains
CS400i center (front)
FX500i's surrounds
RT35's + RT25's back surrounds
CS245i center (rear)
PSW650 front sub
PSW350 rear sub
P.S. I'm moving system to wood floor,bigger room it should kick ****!

RT1000's mains
CS400i center (front)
FX500i's surrounds
RT35's + RT25's back surrounds
CS245i center (rear)
PSW650 front sub
PSW350 rear sub
P.S. I'm moving system to wood floor,bigger room it should kick ****!

Post edited by BBUBBA on
I doubt anyone would try to talk you out of monoblocks, but if your max is $3500.....
B&K AVR307 is hard, hard to beat at that price, unless you're looking for all the latest bells and whistles. Other contenders might be Denon 4802, 5801/2, Pioneer Elite VSX-49TX.
But for that kind of money, it'd be worthwhile to look into separates, even if you have to look at used gear to stay in-budget. My humble and somewhat inexperienced opinion.:)