Upgrading from Sats to Seperates, help..

Posts: 84
I've recently moved to a new house, and I blew my wod on a new 1080p TV. The rm used for HT is significantly bigger ~18X22' and the built-ins cabinet TV hole is going to be all TV. The rm. is wired for Sats (6.1) from the ceiling, and my center will have to go either on ceiling:( , to blend, or I have a nice open ledge that goes through the rm to another rm. and I can set the center there (12" above TV), but I don't know if I'll get the correct blend from my RM6600 with the mains and center out of plane with each other so drastically (worked ok in my 10x10 space). After loosing a bid on ebay for a single Sat. (RM2300) for the 6.1. I decided that maybe it was time to upgrade, but on a budget like most people.. I felt that since the TV was much bigger now (56") that the RM6600's center speaker would be dwarfed to say the least and that I should start there, then I figured that I could rewire the mains so they can sit on the ledge as well.. I came up with a couple of options, can people advise me as to their recommended set-up preference, and placement. Thanks!
My first thought was to go with:
RTi28's or RTi38's for mains and a CSi30 center.
Now I've been thinking about:
RT55i's as mains, with a CS400i center
I'm open to suggestion for rears, but don't think the fxi's will work as I have no right hand wall, as that is my entry to the rm., The rear wall is already wired from the ceiling (2' from the rear of the rm. w/3 J-boxes) and my rear wall is mostly windows. So back to Sats., bookshelves, or in ceilings.. ???
I have a Denon AVR-2802, and a PSW350 sub.
-Got Advice?
The built-in unit has the TV off center about 2' and the pre-wire for the sats in the front allow the right front to be kicked off to the right for the correct triangulation to the listening position, and centered to the TV, as the ledge is centered to the built-in, not the TV (would have to fudge placement a bit for ledge placement, but if speakers can fill the rm, I'm not worried.. Could also put in-walls (mains & center) directly into the ledge as well, but then I really have no clue as what to use.) Help!
Don't have to use the 6.1 set-up either, but could.. -Thank you!
My first thought was to go with:
RTi28's or RTi38's for mains and a CSi30 center.
Now I've been thinking about:
RT55i's as mains, with a CS400i center
I'm open to suggestion for rears, but don't think the fxi's will work as I have no right hand wall, as that is my entry to the rm., The rear wall is already wired from the ceiling (2' from the rear of the rm. w/3 J-boxes) and my rear wall is mostly windows. So back to Sats., bookshelves, or in ceilings.. ???
I have a Denon AVR-2802, and a PSW350 sub.
-Got Advice?
The built-in unit has the TV off center about 2' and the pre-wire for the sats in the front allow the right front to be kicked off to the right for the correct triangulation to the listening position, and centered to the TV, as the ledge is centered to the built-in, not the TV (would have to fudge placement a bit for ledge placement, but if speakers can fill the rm, I'm not worried.. Could also put in-walls (mains & center) directly into the ledge as well, but then I really have no clue as what to use.) Help!
Don't have to use the 6.1 set-up either, but could.. -Thank you!
Klipsch RB81's/RC62/RS52's
SVS PB12+/2
Denon 3808CI
Panasonic BD60
Toshiba 56MX195 1080p
Klipsch RB81's/RC62/RS52's
SVS PB12+/2
Denon 3808CI
Panasonic BD60
Toshiba 56MX195 1080p
Post edited by fab5valentine on
I was looking into RT25i for fronts paired with the CS245i, probably nice.. (also cheap and readily available on eBay).
The Rt55i's with the CS400i is just too big.
I'm now thinking based on reading a lot of reviews going with:
RTi28's (maybe RTi38's) as fronts, CSi30, and Rti28's as rears, Pared with the Denon 2802 and PSW350.. This should surpass my RM6600, right? Will worry about placement later..-fab5
Klipsch RB81's/RC62/RS52's
SVS PB12+/2
Denon 3808CI
Panasonic BD60
Toshiba 56MX195 1080p -
The i38's as fronts would be nice and a much better choice. Your post is a bit hard to follow, there is alot of info there. The speakers need to go where they sound best, not where ever your pre-wiring puts them.
Yes, the speaks your considering will outperform the RM6600.