XBox 360

bdaley6509 Posts: 1,167
edited October 2005 in Video Games
Anyone else pre-order theirs yet? I can't friggin wait. I have about 6 games paid for already, as well as the system. Make sure you splurge for the $399.00 system with wireless and 20gig hdd!!
Post edited by bdaley6509 on


  • Demiurge
    Demiurge Posts: 10,874
    edited October 2005
    For once I'm going to wait a while until the price comes down. I bought all the new systems since 1995 that came out on pre-order. System looks awesome. :)
  • nadams
    nadams Posts: 5,877
    edited October 2005
    I'm waiting 'til it comes out, then buying a regular XBox, as they'll be trying to move them out pretty fast. Was just in an EB and they were still selling them for $150. I don't want to pay any more than $100, if anything.
    Ludicrous gibs!
  • lanion
    lanion Posts: 843
    edited October 2005
    I had one pre-ordered but cancelled it and bought a Nintendo DS when they announced their tiered pricing, and said it was likely they would change the system configuration down the line. I don't want to support that in consoles, so I'm going to wait a while til they decide to stick with a HD or not, and if they are going to put an HDDVD drive in there. Also, there arn't any games for xbox360 that I must play coming out at launch. Kameo, perfect dark zero look good, but there are enough good current gen games coming out this season anyway (FEAR, Shadow of the Colossus, MarioKart DS (online!), Dragon Quest VIII, Stubbs the Zombie, Call of Duty 2, Castlevania DS, and some others...). Next fall there will probobly be no good games coming out that arn't on next gen consoles, so I'll bite then. (Plus, I dont have an HDTV yet....)
    My Iron Man training/charity blog.

    32" Sharp LCD. H/K dpr 1001 to Outlaw Audio 7900 to Polk LSi + Paradigm Studio center. Hsu DualDrive ULS-15. PS3/Wii. Outlaw 7900.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited October 2005
    I am waiting as well. #1, its a lot of money for a new system, plus, figure in the at least four games you will end up buying. Thats a new piece of nice audio gear instead. #2, I don't have HD yet, unless I want to get a monitor switch and play in on my 19" CRT at my desk, which I may. #3, I'm waiting until it supports HD.
  • bknauss
    bknauss Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2005
    The harddrive isn't definitely sticking. Its not like they're going to drop all support for it in the future.
    HD DVD is looking less and less like its going to happen on the 360. Gates was giving a speech the past weekend (I believe) and said HD-DVD and Blu Ray are going to be the last physical disc format, and its basically going to be a temporary step (in other words, its going to have a much shorter lifespan than DVD or VHS).
    I completely agree on the no "must have" games during the release of the console. I was really charged up for Ghost Recon, but that's been pushed back. Perfect Dark hasn't been getting rave reviews (mostly a "looks much better, but nothing really groundbreaking... we're dissapointed"). And although I love football games, Madden looks like it only has a slight bump in graphics.

    I'll be waiting at least till Ghost Recon comes out and possibly wait till Halo 3 comes out. Hopefully prices will have dropped by then, or I can wait and see what's up with PS3 and decide on which would be best for me.
    Brian Knauss
    ex-Electrical Engineer for Polk
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited October 2005
    i, too, am gonna wait. see what becomes of the hddvd drive. wonder how much hddvd's will cost.

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
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    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd
    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.