Digital Amplifier Review thread

AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
edited September 2005 in Electronics
I was reading THIS thread and thought it would be a good idea to start an ongoing thread for people to post their reviews/experience with digital amps/receivers.

Let's try to keep this objective and avoid generalazations like 'digital amps suck' or 'digital amps rule'. If you have experience that you've posted about previously, please share that again here so we can make this a good reference thread.

Post your experience, good or bad:

1 - What you tried (brand, model, etc)
2 - What you did for experimentation (side-by-side compare, general listening, etc)
3 - What you compared it to
4 - Results

If this doesn't catch on, oh well, but if it does it'll be a good reference