svs v klipsh

millerman 3732
millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
I've had my ksw 15 for awhile now and overall I've been pleased wiyh its performance but since I've joined the forum many of you have given alot of praise to the SVS brand. would it be an upgrade to go with one of the new SVS's and if so which of the new svs line would you recommend
H/T: Epson 6500ub
Sony UBP-X800
Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
Outlaw 7125
Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
Polk RTi6
SVS PB 12 plus/2
Velodyne SMS-1

TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
Post edited by millerman 3732 on


  • audiobliss
    audiobliss Posts: 12,518
    edited September 2005
    I would say YES. I'm a fan of Klipsch, and every time I've heard a Klipsch sub, I've liked it. (However, I've only heard their subs from their Reference line.)

    That aside, I would say that any 'decent' non-speaker manufacturer's sub would be better. Some brands that really come to mind are REL, Velodyne, SVS, and HSU.

    Velodyne has some of their subs being sold at CC. I'm not real familiar with them, though.

    REL, I believe, is a more expensive sub manufacturer, but I've only heard good things about them.

    SVS makes great performing reasonably priced HT subs. I haven't heard any complaints about their 'musicality', but I'd say that they're more (though maybe not entirely) suited to HT applications.

    HSU makes some great performing reasonably priced subs for music. They (typically) don't hit as hard, but they are (from what I've heard) very musical, smooth, tight, and blend well with your mains. HSU is what I'm eventually shooting for.
    Jstas wrote: »
    Simple question. If you had a cool million bucks, what would you do with it?
    Wonder WTF happened to the rest of my money.
    In Use
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    Epson 8700UB

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    Klipsch RF-35, RB-51ii

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    Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP, Memphis 16-MCA3004, Boston Acoustic RC520
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,922
    edited September 2005
    SVS is better.

    The likes of Klipsch, Polk, Infinity, Boston, Mirage, Def Tech, Cambridge, Athena, Axiom, Velodyne, Sunfire, Pioneer, Bose, JBL, NHT, Onix, B&W, you get the idea - can NOT* I repeat, CAN NOT* compete with SVS on a PRICE/PERFORMANCE basis. I don't see what people don't understand about this. SVS has NO middle man, SVS is NOT sold in stores. They do NOT have that extra mark up that these other brands have. Why is it so hard to believe that for lesser money SVS can smash the competition that is sold in large chain stores.

    REL, HSU, Adire are some of the only competition for SVS on a PRICE/PERFORMANCE basis. There are other brands out there, I am sure - DIY Is an option.

    But as far as an overall performance subwoofer in music and HT, to provide the power, extention, accuracy needed for both applications - with the various selection of models between cylinder and boxes, in colors and all, with awesome customer service, you can't do much better.

    The only question you should be asking yourself right now is...

    HSU... or... SVS

    For the money, you cant - and wont do much better.

    SVS is not a cult, SVS is a great brand. Thousands of audio enthusiast around the world have heard about this brand and have replaced subs costing much* more than their past subwoofer. If thousands of people do this very thing, and very few return them - why is it so hard to believe?

    If you have no issues with size - SVS or HSU is for you. They can NOT be beat for the price. In an overall market, with price/performance in mind. They don't compromise much.

    Disclaimer - I am NOT saying the above subwoofers are bad. I am just saying that subwoofers you buy, with the large mark up will not compete with internet only stores. It is almost impossible to do. It is not very hard to make a great subwoofer. Tons of DIY enthusiast do it everyday, its just a matter of whether or not you want to complicate it with small boxes, EQs, and the contraints the general market places on subs and speakers alike. SVS dosnt go by the market, SVS is making good, old fashioned subs that use large enclosures and large amps. That is the difference.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • millerman 3732
    millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
    edited September 2005
    I'am not asking which one i should I get already have the klipsh. Iam asking is the svs brand that much better better
    H/T: Epson 6500ub
    Sony UBP-X800
    Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
    Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
    Outlaw 7125
    Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
    Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
    Polk RTi6
    SVS PB 12 plus/2
    Velodyne SMS-1

    TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
    Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
  • millerman 3732
    millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
    edited September 2005
    sorry after a closer look i see you think that svs is better but is it worth spending another 800 or 900 dollars to upgrade
    H/T: Epson 6500ub
    Sony UBP-X800
    Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
    Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
    Outlaw 7125
    Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
    Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
    Polk RTi6
    SVS PB 12 plus/2
    Velodyne SMS-1

    TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
    Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,922
    edited September 2005
    Well let me ask you...

    Are you happy with the Klipsch?

    Do you think it is lacking?

    If your happy with it, no - dont upgrade. If your not happy, then... well - upgrade. This is about you - your sound. If you feel you need a change, then change it. SVS and HSU both have in-home demos, you just have to pay return shipping if you arnt happy.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • millerman 3732
    millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
    edited September 2005
    well it dose seem to be a little loose. I mean it will shake the entire house and kick like a mule, but over time I've started to enjoy alittle tighter more responsive bass output and not just to shake the house which the klipsch has no problem doing. Is there a way I can recalibrate the sub to get a tighter response or is a new sub the only way
    H/T: Epson 6500ub
    Sony UBP-X800
    Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
    Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
    Outlaw 7125
    Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
    Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
    Polk RTi6
    SVS PB 12 plus/2
    Velodyne SMS-1

    TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
    Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,922
    edited September 2005

    Heres a few tips

    Get out of the corner if its in one, atleast 2 feet away from each wall...

    Mess with the phase switch, do not cross it over at 80hz - 60-65hz is a nice start. Turn it down.
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
    BIZILL Posts: 5,432
    edited September 2005
    .........or Just Get An Svs.......which Is What I Plan On Doing When I Grow Up. I'm 29 Now. I Shoulda Gotten Me An Svs So Long Ago, But Heck, I Only Upgraded My Entire Home Theater, Including Home Theater Seating Very Recently. Why Did I Live So Long With My Home Theater In A Box? Anyway, When I Get Older (30), I Hope I Will Have Obtained An Svs. Problem Is....................which One?

    POLK SDA-SRS 1.2TL -- ADCOM GFA-5802
    ONKYO TX-SR805
    SUB: SVS PB12-PLUS/2 (12.3 series)

    XBOX 360
    WiiPS3/blu-rayTOSHIBA HD-A35 hd dvd
    bobman1235 wrote:
    I have no facts to back that up, but I never let facts get in the way of my arguments.
  • millerman 3732
    millerman 3732 Posts: 1,488
    edited September 2005
    I'll try the first 2, but as far as the cross over its connected via the lfe out put and i belive that cuts out the cross over on the sub itself because i only use it for movies with 5.1 or 6.1 no music, but i could be wrong
    H/T: Epson 6500ub
    Sony UBP-X800
    Toshiba HD-XA2 (HD-DVD, CD)
    Onkyo 805 (pre-amp)
    Outlaw 7125
    Polk RTi 10 (bi-amped)
    Polk CSi5 (bi-amped)
    Polk RTi6
    SVS PB 12 plus/2
    Velodyne SMS-1

    TV Rig: Samsung 50'' 4k display
    Polk Signa-1 Surround bar
  • VR3
    VR3 Posts: 28,922
    edited September 2005
    Eh, tweaking is much cheaper and can give similar results. Sometimes a few feet over and a few adjustments on the knobs can determine a HT sub from a music sub...

    Why not save money when ya can eh?
    - Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited September 2005
    if you're happy with your current sub. don't do a thing, and don't wonder if brand X or Y is better than what you have. enjoy your system and be done with it.

    SVS has a following for a reason. it can't be explained. it has to be experienced.
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • gregure
    gregure Posts: 871
    edited September 2005
    SVS is so much better than Klipsch it is not worth beating a dead horse as many have explained why already. Simply put: yes it is worth the extra money to purchase one. Movies will take on a whole new life in your room. You will notice bass you never knew was there, or will experience that bass at much louder volumes. For accuracy and musicality, well, my only experience is with the PB 10, which I understand is the only one which is said to be a tad bit resonant, so I would say that a good REL or Martin Logan sub would be better, but if you go with a PB 12 Ultra, I think that would be hefty for movies and accurate for music. Plus, there's also the factor that once you bring a SVS into your system, you never, ever again feel the need to post "can it be better" questions on forums like these. If that doesn't answer your question unequivocably, I don't know what will.
    Current System:

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    Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand (Rosewood)-Mains (with Audioquest Mont Blanc cables)
    CSi5-Center (for sale**)
    FXi3-surrounds (for sale**)
    Martin Logan Depth-Sub
    B&K AVR 507
    Pimare CD21-CD Player
    Denon 1815-DVD Player
    Panamax M5500-EX-Line Conditioner