My Intro.............

Posts: 447
Hello people, my name is Phil and I have a Polk question that just needs to be answered. Now allow me to mention that I have had the chance to listen to the Monitor 30 's and 40's as well as the Rti6 and Rti4. It seems to me for one reason or another that I liked the Monitor 40 the best. Yes, the Rti6 was very nice especially with the real wood veneer finish but the Monitor 40 presented me with a larger soundstage coupled with better low frequency extension resulting in a tighter, punchier, and controlled sound that I prefer. However, the Rti4 did seem to sound better than the monitor 30 but not by much imho. I do not care for floorstanders much but do like the Monitor 60's and 70's as well as the Rti8. That says alot because the only other floorstanders I have ever liked are made by Definitive Technology. I just prefer stand mounted speakers myself. But, the monitor 40's also seemed to image a lil better than the rti6's. Please dont bash me this is my 1st post here but need to know if anybody else here agrees with me. Thank you for your time.
The way one uses a product is a much more SIGNIFICANT factor than which product(s) he uses.
Post edited by polkyphil38 on
I found the monitor series to be rather shallow to my ears. The depth of soundstage just wasn't there to me. There is a pretty good debate between the RTi4 and the RTi6 as to which images better.
It should be said that the RT series is more finicky about placement. I just picked up a set of the older RT35i and was originally uninspired, however, i took them to my classroom and they came to life. So, i would tell you to go back to the dealer, and see if you can adjust the placement of the speakers and bring your own music, then see what you think.Review Site_ (((AudioPursuit)))
Founder/Publisher Affordable$$Audio 2006-13.
Former Staff Member TONEAudio
2 Ch. System
Amplifiers: Parasound Halo P6 pre, Vista Audio i34, Peachtree amp500, Adcom GFP-565 GFA-535ii, 545ii, 555ii
Digital: SimAudio HAD230 DAC, iMac 20in/Amarra,
Speakers: Paradigm Performa F75, Magnepan .7, Totem Model 1's, ACI Emerald XL, Celestion Si Stands. Totem Dreamcatcher sub
Analog: Technics SL-J2 w/Pickering 3000D, SimAudio LP5.3 phono pre
Cable/Wires: Cardas, AudioArt, Shunyata Venom 3 -
Welcome to CP. You have to go with what your ears tell you is the best. Since I've been reading the posts here at CP, I've been under the impression that the newer Monitors are not well liked. Personally I prefer vintage Polks and have Monitor 10A's from 1980-81. I'm not really up on the later models. Besides a pair of R30's I picked up at a steal, the newest pair I have in the house at this time is a pair of RTA 8TL's from 1991. I just purchased a pair of RTi70's from another CPer , but have yet to go and pick them up, I believe they are just a few years old(1998 or so). I'm anxious to get 'em hooked up so I can hear the so-called technological advances. I also have a pair of SDA 2A's and other than the larger SDAs,I just don't see how it gets much better than that without going to extremes, dollarwise that is.
Anyway, welcome, kick back, read, post and learn. There is alot of really good people here with wealths of knowledge on just about anything that has to do with audio.
Welcom to CP.
Personally, I like the Rti's better. What matters the most is what you like in your own home.
PolkThug -
I have a pair of r30's and purchased a pair of rti10's to replace them. No comparison when placed in a HT room specifically designed to be just a HT. Although, for the price difference, it's not a fair comparison. I am using the r30's upstairs in the family room and they do just fine providing background music and for listening to talk radio stations.
You might try using the r30's for the rear surround's in conjuction with the rti's that sound the best to you. That combo worked well for me untill I could invest in the rti4's for the rear.
I find that taking the time to do the research and then to do the setup is most critical. -
Thanks for the warm welcome people. Any others care to chime in? Surely, I am not the ONLY member here that really likes the Monitor 40's am I? Must be something about the MTM design that does it for me. I personally believe that many people prefer the Rti series mainly because of the real wood veneer and not on the performance of the speakers. Sure, the LSI is no doubt the "BomB" so to speak but are out of my price range altogether. Is there anybody here that would concur? If so, please speak up kinda feel like a loner if ya know what I mean?The way one uses a product is a much more SIGNIFICANT factor than which product(s) he uses.
I've listened to both and did a comparison. I did like the Rti's more. but understand why you might have sided with the monitors. I liked them as well, but listening the Rti's for me brough me so much more depth
I'm sure there are people out there that agree with you.
ChrisReceiver: Onkyo TX-SR502-S
DVD Player: Pioneer DV-578A-S
Left and Right: R50
Center: CS1
Rear Center: R15
Surrounds: R30
Subwoofer: 10'' Dayton 100 Watt -
Depends on what you like and the kind of sound you like (warm, neutral or bright)
RTI's for me.
I don't like bright sound, especially for music.
WELCOME to the forums!
front- rti-4
center- csi3
sides- f/x300i
rear- f/x300i
sub- velo cht10
Pre- H/K235
Amp- Adcom 7300/5300 -
Hi, I just purchased a pair of the monitor 60s for my mains, and although i have no subwoofer, i find that the 60s do quite well across the entire frequency range. I like them because even as many have pointed out to me that one of them is stuck in a corner with no room to breath, and they still sound great. To me, the rts that i heard were lacking on the bass end, although that could have been the amp they were using. As many have already said, go with your ears, and let them decide.
Consider buying used. There are are pair of T90e's in the flea market right now. Those are the Euro version of the monitor 60 i think. There's nothing different about them other then the model number.